Eating in Bournemouth

Hey everyone, my name is Roberta and I’m in Bournemouth for my MSc Biological Anthropology. I’m from Brazil and as many of you may know, it’s a huge country with many different types of food and flavours, depending on the region you live in. When I arrived at Bournemouth, I was very curious about what… Read more » about Eating in Bournemouth

Living in Corfe House

Hi! My name is JC and I’m doing an MSc in Maritime Archaeology at BU. I’m currently living in Corfe House, student accommodation based in Poole. Corfe house is run by Unite-student. Location! Location! Location! Corfe house is located right beside Aldi supermarket. From my window, I can see the coach station, which makes travelling… Read more » about Living in Corfe House

Bournemouth’s bustling Christmas market, ice-skating & mulled wine!

  Hi, I’m Danielle Cook studying MA Corporate Communication at BU. One of the best parts of studying in Bournemouth is its vibrant centre, the hub of the town where community events and celebrations take place. This holiday season, Bournemouth Square is home to a bustling Christmas market, with stalls offering one-of-a-kind Christmas gifts and… Read more » about Bournemouth’s bustling Christmas market, ice-skating & mulled wine!

Top tips for exam prep: how not to lose focus over the Christmas period

Staying focused over the Christmas period can be tough, especially when you’ve done a whole semester at university, have probably just handed in multiple assignments and just really want to let your hair down, chill out and relax. Well, the good news is you can do both. With thanks to the few handy tips that… Read more » about Top tips for exam prep: how not to lose focus over the Christmas period