My Summer Ball experience

If you haven’t heard of BU’s annual Summer Ball then where have you been?? Bournemouth’s Ball is officially the biggest in the UK and actually broke the record this year with 7,500 students having the time of their lives in some hilarious fancy dress. Those 7,500 students included me and my three best friends who… Read more » about My Summer Ball experience

Preparing for a placement

Summer is finally here! And whilst that means making most of the sunny weather and catching up with friends it is also the perfect time to gain vital industry experience. Most degrees at Bournemouth University have a compulsory 4/6 week or year placement as part of their course, which students must complete to graduate. This… Read more » about Preparing for a placement

A day in the life of a nursing student

This is a guest blog written by Beth Corden. A day in the life of a nursing student is very different to that of other university students. People may think we follow the stereotype label of ‘students’, getting up at midday, eating leftover dominos for breakfast and taking hung-over strolls to 12pm lectures… but let… Read more » about A day in the life of a nursing student

Festivals I’m looking forward to this summer

Polka dot wellies, multi-coloured ponchos and face paint means only one thing…. festival season! I don’t know about you guys but the rise in temperature has sure got me excited for this year’s festival season and it is going to be a big one! The summer of 2017 has given rise to some of the… Read more » about Festivals I’m looking forward to this summer

Life skills gained at University

Hey guys! So I’m back again with some life skills I gained whilst being at University. Living without parents was a very daunting experience for me in my first year, as I’d never moved out from home ever before. I’d definitely say there have been rapid changes I encountered and developed, which I don’t think I… Read more » about Life skills gained at University

One hundred countries later – Jonny’s story

Jonny Blair came to BU in 2003 and graduated with a BA (Hons) in Public Relations. Since then, he has worked as a travel writer and has just celebrated visiting his 100th country. Here, he talks more about his travels and how coming to Bournemouth kicked it all off. I grew up in Northern Ireland… Read more » about One hundred countries later – Jonny’s story

An interview with Resh Somauroo about BA(Hons) Scriptwriting for Film and TV

Resh Somauroo is the Scriptwriting for Film and TV 3rd year Programme leader. He has worked at Bournemouth University for over 7 years and continues to drive people to pursue their passion of scriptwriting. We got together to discuss his life at BU and the course itself. What is your academic/professional background? I started out… Read more » about An interview with Resh Somauroo about BA(Hons) Scriptwriting for Film and TV

A guide to BU’s libraries

Bournemouth University has great library facilities, at both the Talbot and Lansdowne campuses, as well as online through MyBU. At the Talbot campus there is the Sir Michael Cobham Library, and at the Lansdowne campus there is the Bournemouth House Library. The Sir Michael Cobham Library is the larger of the two libraries, spanning over… Read more » about A guide to BU’s libraries

Choosing the right degree

Choosing a degree isn’t always easy, and sometimes although you want to go to university you may not understand which degree is right for you. Sometimes you have no idea what you want to do or find yourself struggling to pick between multiple subjects. It could even be that you have a career in mind… Read more » about Choosing the right degree

Living in Bournemouth: through the eyes of an International student

Trust me when I say this to you, as much as I loved and was thrilled to finally be in England, and in Bournemouth no less, the knowledge that I was all alone in a completely new place was so overwhelming that I sat in my room after I moved into my accommodation for about ten… Read more » about Living in Bournemouth: through the eyes of an International student

Madrid: The BARM Diaries

Hey! I’m Bethany, a first-year student of BA Retail Management (BARM). On November 16th, our lecturers took a leap of faith and flew with us to Madrid. This decision can only be described as probably both the best and worst decision of their year. Some students put the phrase ‘start as you mean to go… Read more » about Madrid: The BARM Diaries

Christmas in Bournemouth

Ahh, Christmas!! The one thing everyone is waiting for with bated breath now University is in full flow and you’ve got deadlines and class tests every week. Once you hand in your last piece of work, or put that last full stop at the end of your final test, the feeling of freedom is inexplicable. So, here’s… Read more » about Christmas in Bournemouth