Returning to academic life after a break

  No matter how long it has been – a few years or twenty – returning to university and academic life after a break can be both exciting and scary! My name is Jaime Gorman. I came to BU from Colorado, USA to change my career focus. It has been about 20 years since I… Read more » about Returning to academic life after a break

Life as a student paramedic during the pandemic

The following blog is written by Katie Ball, who is a third year student studying BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science. She reflects on her achievements and challenges on this course and whilst on placement.  I’m Katie and I am currently a third year at BU studying BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science. I started my student paramedic journey… Read more » about Life as a student paramedic during the pandemic

Sticking to resolutions – study and lifestyle

It’s the start of the year new and to go with it come the resolutions we all vow to make that have a 1-week expiry date. In this blog I’m going to talk through some of my New Years Resolutions and Goals for the past year and how I managed to achieve them. First, I… Read more » about Sticking to resolutions – study and lifestyle

Making the most of Uni Life as an International student at BU

Going to University is already a huge milestone that you achieve in your life, especially when you choose to move thousand of miles away from your home. Coming to a different country, it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed. From making new friends to adjusting to the weather and the cultures. While at the same time, we… Read more » about Making the most of Uni Life as an International student at BU

All the nightlife Bournemouth has to offer

I can’t lie, nightlife and things to do in the area was one of the main factors that helped me make the final decision. It is also one of the main things I get asked by people considering university. So, in this blog I’m going to talk about the clubs and bars in Bournemouth, what… Read more » about All the nightlife Bournemouth has to offer

Social Work placement and community support during the pandemic

This is a guest blog by June Symonds, current BA (Hons) Social Work student. As a 2nd year BA (Hons) Social Work student, it has been a pleasure studying at Bournemouth University – one of the most prestigious universities in our country. BU offer such an enriching social work programme, which undoubtedly prepares students for… Read more » about Social Work placement and community support during the pandemic

Life in Bournemouth – current update

Over the last few months, the COVID-19 restrictions in the UK are being reduced, with some rules in place involving social distancing and other safety measures. In an attempt to kick-start the economy and ensure that things return to normal, most places are being reopened, with new safety systems put in place. This blog discusses… Read more » about Life in Bournemouth – current update

The Old Fire Station

Postgraduate Nightlife: What Awaits For You

Between all the parties and festivals which are often targeted at undergrads, it can be tough as a postgraduate to find nightlife dedicated to us. However, you don’t always have to go to fresher events to have fun. There are lots of great venues around town where you make your night your own. And while… Read more » about Postgraduate Nightlife: What Awaits For You

Budgeting – A Student’s Financial Life-hacks

Handling finances can be tricky, especially when you’ve moved to a new place. The currency is different, the prices of commodities are new and most students are dealing with a fixed budget – having to balance basic needs, school supplies as well as at least a little bit of a social life. This blog is… Read more » about Budgeting – A Student’s Financial Life-hacks

What social media has done for me #SocialMediaDay

Since it is Social Media Day today I just wanted to share my experience of how social media has helped me through life. Back when I was 13 I started my own YouTube channel, and posted any kind of video I felt like. One day this would be a makeup or DIY tutorial, the next… Read more » about What social media has done for me #SocialMediaDay

Lockdown Life: Day of a EU Student

Lockdown has changed lives completely. There is no doubt about it. Lots of us are missing our family, friends and all the things we could do before this pandemic began. However, thanks to the internet not everything is bad, and the staff at Bournemouth University have shown to be very supportive in this time. So… Read more » about Lockdown Life: Day of a EU Student