This year has been incredibly challenging, but it has provided me with so many opportunities that I am truly thankful for. Check out the video below if you’d like to find out more about the student experience over the past year.

This year has been incredibly challenging, but it has provided me with so many opportunities that I am truly thankful for. Check out the video below if you’d like to find out more about the student experience over the past year.
The overall university experience has been widely changed due to COVID-19 over the past few months – whether that’s first year students having a different experience than they initially expected due to chan ges to government guidelines or, in my case, as a third year student, completing what can be seen as your most important… Read more » about New term, same me
Covid-19 has affected all university courses in different ways, whether that is how your practical work is done or the key topics your theory work includes and there are potentially some changes to come as we enter a month-long lock down. For me personally, the lock down that started in March, alongside the university shutting… Read more » about Teaching during Covid-19
Over the last few months, the COVID-19 restrictions in the UK are being reduced, with some rules in place involving social distancing and other safety measures. In an attempt to kick-start the economy and ensure that things return to normal, most places are being reopened, with new safety systems put in place. This blog discusses… Read more » about Life in Bournemouth – current update
For lots of us, especially for the ones that like me are in their final year, the UK lockdown has had a huge impact on job hunting. Whether it is a grad role, part-time job or an internship that you are looking for, look no more, here are some great alternatives to job hunt during… Read more » about How To Job Hunt During Lockdown
It is a tough time for everyone, for the ones that are working at the frontline as much as the ones, like me, who are in lockdown. However, students and staff at Bournemouth University are working hard to help out and give support to anyone who needs it. Here are the ways the BU community… Read more » about How Bournemouth University Supports The COVID-19 Fight
MariaLaura is an MSc Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology student at BU. She’s a certified yoga instructor from School Yoga Institute and has been teaching yoga since 2014. In this video, she shares a winding down yoga routine before bedtime that can also help reduce anxiety.
We’ve all found ourselves in a situation we could never have imagined. I’m back at home with my family, and, at first, my days tended to go one of two ways – the productive day, or the stuck on the sofa with Netflix day. I’ve found a better balance now, and a typical day for… Read more » about A Day in the Life: A PG in Dublin in Isolation