Hey, In this video, I take you through my first few weeks in Bournemouth and shares my top tips on how to settle into life as an international student.

Hey, In this video, I take you through my first few weeks in Bournemouth and shares my top tips on how to settle into life as an international student.
Three years ago I came to university to not only receive a qualification in a career that I want but to get a new start. A fresh beginning to continue learning about life and being independent. University itself is not the easiest of times and it is an experience that vary. It is one where… Read more » about Farewell and Advice to Newcomers
Hiya If you’re wondering what to pack for uni and how to make sure you’ve got all the essentials, watch this video where I share my top tips. Hope it’s useful! 🙂
People say the first impression lasts, and I think it applies to my study experience in the UK. It has been a few weeks since I finished my postgraduate study in MA Marketing Communications at BU, but everything still feels surreal to me. Little have I realised how fast time has passed and how much… Read more » about Little things I love about living in the UK
When university life gets busy, there’s not a lot of time to travel for the average hodophile. Thankfully, Bournemouth is located near many wonderful locations that one can explore around in a day or over the weekend. Here are seven such places: 1. Salisbury It takes an hour and a half to get to Salisbury… Read more » about Best Places Near Bournemouth for Day-Long Trips
Hey, In this vlog I take you through some of the tips and tricks I use to make studying an activity that I actually enjoy!
Hiya. I’m sure you’ll all know by now that Bournemouth and the local area has some pretty amazing beaches. But in this vlog, I’m going to show you some other ideas of things to do in town and further beyond. There’s so much to explore when you arrive. You’re going to love it!
Whenever breaks roll around after busy periods of submissions, I’m always left wondering, “What do I do now?” Each time, however, I end up stumbling across a plethora of means to enjoy my time. Here’s a list of ways I’ve found to make the most out of my breaks: 1. Organising Activities: Whenever we’re all… Read more » about Life as an International Student during Breaks
My journey from home to Bournemouth had been extremely exhausting with over 20 hours spent flying and dragging my luggage. The days following it were to be spent quarantining in my BU accommodation in accordance with the government guidelines. I was told by ResLife that we would be provided with a basic isolation pack. To… Read more » about How ResLifeBU helped me adjust to life in a new country
Studying process can be overwhelming when you have so many things to do. Personally, I sometimes prefer to study in different places if I get bored with the same area. Here is a list of some of my favourite study areas if you want to discover new spots: 1. Waterstones café: Yes, everyone knows Waterstones… Read more » about My favourite study places in Bournemouth: less-known best spots for studying
So, imagine you made it into Bournemouth University, or are a student already. When you hear “student life”, what things come to your mind first? Something frivolous and light-headed, and it’s more that understandable, we, students all do that! But I would like to go a bit more creative, and tell you about some different… Read more » about Things to do in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Mindful ways to spend your time.
This is a guest blog post by current student Cara Ginnifer, studying BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice. Hello, my name is Cara, I’m studying to be an Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) and I wanted to let you know what it’s like to study ODP at Bournemouth University (BU) and why I think you’d enjoy it… Read more » about What’s it like to study Operating Department Practice?