Bourne to make a difference. How I co-founded the Bali Reef Conservation

This is a guest blog, by Zach Boakes studying BSc (Hons) Environmental Science. The story behind my research has a less than academic setting! In May 2016, I was in Bali as a volunteer, teaching children how to play the drums. Whilst I was there, I made friends with a local guy, Ketut, and we began snorkelling together. We started discussing… Read more » about Bourne to make a difference. How I co-founded the Bali Reef Conservation

What’s it like studying MA Media and Communication at BU?

Hi! I am Sujata Shekhawat from India and I am studying MA Media and Communication. This blog will give you an idea of my experience of the course. Let’s get started! I applied to lot of Universities in the UK to study my Master’s. It was really difficult for me to make a final choice,… Read more » about What’s it like studying MA Media and Communication at BU?

What’s it like to study Computer Animation at BU?

Hello, my name is Patrycja and I’m from Poland. I’m a first year BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art and Design student. Today I want to answer the question that I am frequently asked: What’s it like to study Computer Animation at BU? First of all, for me it is great! It is a lot of… Read more » about What’s it like to study Computer Animation at BU?

MBA at BU: Setting you on the right path for the future

Hi my name is Garrett and today I am going to be talking to you about the Master of Business Administration program here at Bournemouth University. It is one of the most highly respected programs out there as a business degree. One of the best things about receiving an MBA is that it covers all… Read more » about MBA at BU: Setting you on the right path for the future

Get Involved! Volunteering at BU

Happy National Volunteering week! University brings to mind thoughts of opportunity and ways to get involved – and what better way to get involved than giving back to your community? I personally find volunteering a really rewarding and fun way to get involved in local (and not so local!) events and give back to the… Read more » about Get Involved! Volunteering at BU

Don’t expect 90% grades! How does India’s grading system compare to the UK’s?

Hi everyone! I am Sujata Shekhawat from India and I am studying MA Media and Communication. Going abroad to study is an amazing experience which you will cherish throughout your life. But the best way to make your study experience smooth is to make yourself acquainted with the study system of the country you’re going… Read more » about Don’t expect 90% grades! How does India’s grading system compare to the UK’s?

How important are grades? What does (Hons) mean? A comparison of Polish and English universities

Hello, my name is Patrycja and I am studying BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art and Design at Bournemouth University. I’m from Poland and one of the biggest differences between studying in Poland and the UK are the university grading systems. This was quite a surprise for me and it was something I had to get… Read more » about How important are grades? What does (Hons) mean? A comparison of Polish and English universities

Callum Moss’ exchange at Norwegian School of Sports Sciences

This is a guest blog by current student Callum Moss studying BSc (Hons) Sports Development & Coaching Sciences. This is my blog about my exchange to the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in the first semester (August-December) of my 4th and final year. I hope that by reading this some people may feel that they… Read more » about Callum Moss’ exchange at Norwegian School of Sports Sciences

My 30-week placement at Hengistbury Head

Sijuade Yusuf is doing a 30-week placement at Hengistbury Head. Here’s a Q&A on her experience. Three words to describe your placement search: Full-on-research, devotion and doggedness What did you find the most helpful in your placement search?: Career Hub is indeed a great resource. All the help that is needed can be gotten on… Read more » about My 30-week placement at Hengistbury Head