A once in a lifetime celebration: The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

The Platinum Jubilee This year marks the 70th year that Queen Elizabeth II has ruled as monarch in the UK, making this the Queen’s Platinum year. This is the first time in history that a monarch has reached this milestone and ever since I found out that I had been accepted to Bournemouth, I knew… Read more » about A once in a lifetime celebration: The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Things to do in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Mindful ways to spend your time.

So, imagine you made it into Bournemouth University, or are a student already. When you hear “student life”, what things come to your mind first? Something frivolous and light-headed, and it’s more that understandable, we, students all do that! But I would like to go a bit more creative, and tell you about some different… Read more » about Things to do in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Mindful ways to spend your time.

Spending Ramadan in Bournemouth: Breaking fast with friends and Eid!

I must confess that I was a little bit worried before Ramadan started this year. Although it was not going to my first Ramadan away from home, I am used to spend Ramadan in Turkey. Therefore, at the beginning of the Ramadan I went to Turkey for two weeks. It was a such a wonderful… Read more » about Spending Ramadan in Bournemouth: Breaking fast with friends and Eid!

Alfie stood with group of friends

Welcome to BU…hopefully!

Hello there. I’m Alfie, a 23-year-old first year BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism student.  I hope you’re excited to hopefully start your journey here at Bournemouth University soon. It’s just coming to the end of my first year and it’s been a blast so far – I couldn’t recommend BU enough! I’m just going to give you… Read more » about Welcome to BU…hopefully!

Sustainability in BU and Bournemouth

At Bournemouth University, sustainability is a core value and at the heart of the University. They have ranked in the top 15% of universities across the world in the THE University Impact Rankings and strive to ensure sustainability within the campus, everyday life and future career.                  … Read more » about Sustainability in BU and Bournemouth

Four students at the beach on graduation day

From Angkor Wat to Bournemouth – A Chevening Scholar’s Story

Sousdey everyone! Hello everyone! (Sousdey means Hello in Khmer) Well, where should I begin – I don’t know how to capture this in a few sentences. But let me try.  Born and raised in a remote village in Cambodia, my life has been nothing but adventurous since a very young age. From living in a… Read more » about From Angkor Wat to Bournemouth – A Chevening Scholar’s Story

Generational Equity and Sustainable Environment: a Common Goal for All.

Taken for Granted The world’s natural resources are fast depleting; globally, human beings are using them faster than they can naturally replenish themselves and we are not also replacing or replanting as much as we take or at the pace we explore where possible. For instance, reports have emerged that the fashion industry is not… Read more » about Generational Equity and Sustainable Environment: a Common Goal for All.

My international student journey from “I don’t want to go out because the weather is too cold” to “I can live here forever!”

My international student journey from “I don’t want to go out because the weather is too cold” to “I can live here forever!”   I remember the first week I moved to Bournemouth from Istanbul/Turkey. Istanbul is a city where you can see the sun almost every day, even in winter! That is why at… Read more » about My international student journey from “I don’t want to go out because the weather is too cold” to “I can live here forever!”

The best is yet to come

Leaving 2021 behind and beginning a new year is something that many students have been looking forward to. 2021 was heavily impacted by the Coronavirus and changed many things about university life. However, there was still many enjoyable activities and opportunities that were available for students. One event that I took great pride and enjoyment… Read more » about The best is yet to come

Exploring Bournemouth, Poole and the surrounding areas

Wondering what there is to do in and around Bournemouth that doesn’t involve Bournemouth’s nightlife? This blog will fill you in on activities and days out Dorset and the surrounding area’s has to offer. Bournemouth is known for its golden sandy beach, which is voted the 20th best beach globally and 5 best in Europe… Read more » about Exploring Bournemouth, Poole and the surrounding areas