Bournemouth’s vibrancy and colour

Bournemouth is a resort town located in Dorset. It is situated in the south of England and is well-connected to London by road or train. The main highlight of this amazing town is the mixture of different cultures, and the town attracts tourists from all around the world. Bournemouth also has its own international airport… Read more » about Bournemouth’s vibrancy and colour

Where am I? I guess I am lost again…

Hello guys! Many of you may be thinking about what to do and how you will adjust during the first weeks of your studies at BU, so today I will be telling you about my first weeks here at BU as an international postgraduate student. Moving in and adjusting to Bournemouth I arrived a week… Read more » about Where am I? I guess I am lost again…

Not wanting 6th form and college to end and having to grow up

College and sixth-form is an exciting time, its when you first start to feel smaller parts of yourself become independent, whilst also having a school like network behind you still supporting you. In the UK, it is now a legal requirement to stay in education until you are 18. So when it comes to university… Read more » about Not wanting 6th form and college to end and having to grow up

Finding international food in Bournemouth

As a first-year Brazilian American living in Bournemouth, I am constantly searching for supermarkets that have Brazilian ingredients that no other cuisines have, or similar to those found in Asian Markets. Personally, I never ate many “American foods” in my household, but I find that British and American cuisines are synonymous in many ways. The… Read more » about Finding international food in Bournemouth