
Quick tips for Zoom and Panopto

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As Semester 1 gets into full swing, we’re all getting more familiar with the tools available for teaching online and their functionality. Here are a few pointers to help you use these tools effectively for your online teaching delivery. Create a Panopto folder on your unit Thanks to the integration of Zoom with Brightspace, any… Read more » about Quick tips for Zoom and Panopto

Which online delivery tool?

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How do you determine the best tool to use to support your online teaching? Don’t forget FLIE’s Guidance for remote delivery which was compiled to support staff in the use of Brightspace to better support students in their learning with the move to online delivery. The guidance includes information on tools that can be utilised… Read more » about Which online delivery tool?

Student guidance for Zoom teaching sessions

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Zoom is now our main platform for delivering live online teaching sessions. Students can find all the information they need about accessing their Zoom sessions under the Help tab on Brightspace. Selecting the link to ‘Lectures and seminars on Zoom‘ provides guidance on checking their online timetable, accessing their Zoom session from their Brightspace unit… Read more » about Student guidance for Zoom teaching sessions