Virtual Poster Exhibition

PGR Virtual Poster Exhibition | Elie Charabieh

The 13th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, hosted by the Doctoral College. Elie Charabieh (PhD, FST) with this poster entitled: Recidivism risk factors in Lebanese prisoners. Click the poster below to enlarge. Given the high cost of reoffending (e.g., direct cost of imprisonment, cost of crime victimisation, exacerbating overcrowding in prisons) this novel research aims to… Read more » about PGR Virtual Poster Exhibition | Elie Charabieh

PGR Virtual Poster Exhibition | Faisal Alsubaie

The 13th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, hosted by the Doctoral College. Faisal Alsubaie (PhD, BUBS) with this poster entitled: The effect of cultural tightness-looseness on tourism destination choice for Western Europeans: Evidence from Saudi Arabia. Click the poster below to enlarge. This study addresses the question “How do the changes in cultural tightness–looseness (CTL) influence… Read more » about PGR Virtual Poster Exhibition | Faisal Alsubaie

PGR Virtual Poster Exhibition | Ceyda Kiyak

The 13th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, hosted by the Doctoral College. Ceyda Kiyak (MRes, FST) with this poster entitled: Minimising online gambling related harm through persuasive technologies. Click the poster below to enlarge. How effective are the various types of interactions in breaking through disassociation of at-risk and social gamblers?  After identifying whether the participant… Read more » about PGR Virtual Poster Exhibition | Ceyda Kiyak

PGR Virtual Poster Exhibition | Abier Hamidi

The 13th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, hosted by the Doctoral College. Abier Hamidi (PhD, FHSS) with this poster entitled: HIV epidemic in Libya: Identifying gaps. Click the poster below to enlarge. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) became a public issue in Libya after the infection of 400 children in El-Fatih Hospital in 1988. Due to the… Read more » about PGR Virtual Poster Exhibition | Abier Hamidi

PGR Virtual Poster Exhibition | Daniel Dimanov

The 13th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, hosted by the Doctoral College. Daniel Dimanov (PhD, FST) with this poster entitled: MONCAE: Multi-Objective Neuroevolution of Convolutional Autoencoders. Click the poster below to enlarge. With this poster, we present a novel neuroevolutionary method to identify the architecture and hyperparameters of convolutional autoencoders, which has been published in an… Read more » about PGR Virtual Poster Exhibition | Daniel Dimanov