Dear colleagues, We are pleased to offer the opportunity for institutional members of ALDinHE to contribute to research and resource development in learning development Deadline for applications: midday 14 November 2016. Individuals and groups are invited to bid for grants of up to £500 (we encourage collaborative proposals). We welcome proposals looking at a variety LD-related topics, but we… Read more » about Small grants available for L&T (up to £500)
Funding opportunities relevant to the discipline of Education

Dear colleagues, find below some funding opportunities relevant to the field of Education: 1. ESRC-DFID: Raising Learning Outcomes in Education Systems Research Programme 2016 Pre-call announcement has been released. The focus of the 2016 call will be on the dynamic of accountability, asking questions about how this dynamic interacts with contextual… Read more » about Funding opportunities relevant to the discipline of Education