Carly Lamont, CEL Theme Leader for Employability and Work-based Learning, delivered a CEL Roadshow presentation to the Careers and Employability Service recently and some interesting discussions took place regarding the fantastic service and resources offered to students across the university by the Careers and Employability Team. In particular, discussions highlighted the need to get word… Read more » about Employability and helping students to boost their CV
EmployaGility – engaging multiple stakeholders in the teaching, learning and employment journey
Carly Lamont is the theme leader for employability and workbased learning in the CEL. Below she shares with us her thoughts about a session at the British Academy of Management (BAM) conference in Portsmouth. This Professional Development Workshop introduced the concept of EmployaGility. EmployaGility – engaging multiple stakeholders in the teaching, learning and employment journey… Read more » about EmployaGility – engaging multiple stakeholders in the teaching, learning and employment journey