Top tips with Jisc attendance capture codes

To capture student attendance at timetabled teaching sessions, staff share a 6 digit code with students to check into the session.

But did you know…?

  • Codes are available 2 weeks in advance
    So you can pop over to Jisc, navigate to Events, pick up your codes for the next two weeks and get them added to your slides in advance.
  • All Teaching staff on the unit can view the code in Jisc
    You don’t have to be the named member of staff on the timetabled session to capture attendance for that session, or to see the code. So if you end up covering a session unexpectedly, ask a teaching colleague on the unit, your programme support team or even your Faculty LT. They’ll be able to tell you the code and students can check-in as usual.
  • You can share the code at any point during the session
    Once a code has been shared with students, they can log their attendance from 10 minutes before the session’s timetabled start time until the the end of the session. It’s up to you when you share the code. If you share it 10 minutes into the session students will show as ‘Late’ on Jisc but an ‘Attended’ status is sent to the Engage app.
  • You can update registers at any time
    Students are not able to check-in with the code outside of the session timeframe but registers can be edited before and after a session. So you can retrospectively update attendance registers at any time.

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