A reminder that MATLAB are joining us to deliver this workshop on Wednesday 3rd April at 12.30.
This workshop is aimed at new MATLAB users and those who are interested in the AI capabilities within MATLAB. This will be an in-person hands-on session working with data provided by MathWorks.
Before attending the session, please make sure you have the latest version of MATLAB installed
onto your computer – MATLAB Access for Bournemouth University.
If you are new to MATLAB or haven’t used the software for a while it would be very beneficial to
complete the 2-hour MATLAB on-ramp.
Part 1: Data processing with MATLAB (1 hour)
We will import historic rainfall measurements into MATLAB and explore different ways of organising this data. Using the live script environment, we will filter and visualise measurements using controls. These provide interactive element into your script. Below is an example of a visualisation with interactive controls.

Part 2: AI and deep learning with MATLAB (1 hour)
We will use MATLAB apps to complete a transfer learning workflow in MATLAB. Starting with a pretrained deep learning network (googlenet) to perform live image classification. Then we will retrain this network to identify a different set of objects. Additionally, we’ll explore existing AI demos that you can use with your students.
How do I join?
You can Sign up via Eventbrite to reserve your place or just join us on the day in F110 on Talbot Campus.