Did you know?

TeachBU includes YOU!
I have been the Administrator for TeachBU for a few years now. Last March I attended a TeachBU applicant training session and in December gained my Associate Fellowship.
Under the new Professional Standards Framework 2023, applying for fellowship has become more accessible for Professional Service colleagues. Advance HE award four categories of fellowship that recognise your role in teaching and/or supporting higher education learning. Advance HE also this useful tool, which can help you determine which level of fellowship is appropriate for you.
I would strongly advise you to find a mentor as they will be a second pair of eyes for you when reviewing your application, they will steer you in the right direction and help you link your experience with pedagogic references in order to evidence how you are supporting learning and teaching.
More information can be found on TeachBU Brightspace area.
If you would like to attend one of our training sessions please sign up and book here
If you have any questions please email TeachBU@bournemouth.ac.uk