It’s been a busy year for the FLIE Team! Along with the routine work of supporting staff in using technology enhanced learning tools and Brightspace, the team has also been hard at work introducing new HTML Brightspace templates, supporting the implementation of JISC Learning Analytics, and creating innovative 360° videos aimed at improving empathy for dementia patients.
The Fusion Learning conference in July, themed around sharing good practice in student engagement and success, was well attended and saw the introduction of a digital online escape room as a way of gamifying learning by incorporating 360° images, virtual reality and interactive content created in H5P.
Talking of H5P, the TELID Team have been piloting H5P to create engaging content which can be embedded into Brightspace and provide students with an interactive, engaging and fun way of learning. We’ve been running serious play sessions using Lego to draw people together in a fun and creative way for exploring concepts through storytelling. And many colleagues have been supported to gain HEA Fellowship recognition from Advance HE.
Then of course, there was the arrival of artificial intelligence and the impact that has had on so many areas. In response, FLIE created the Generative Artificial Intelligence Resource Hub and the Engaging Assessment Practices in the Era of Generative AI resource to support and assist staff in managing this technology.
Click on the FLIE Advent Calendar (created in H5P) for more examples of what FLIE have been up to this year:
For further information or support on any of these subjects, and if you would like to create your own advent calendar, contact your Faculty Learning Technologist.