Creating a virtual reality educational film for dementia

We have all heard the term dementia, but what does it feel like? This is a very complex question, and almost certainly a complex answer. This week, on an initiative led by Dr Michele Board, filming began on an innovative project to increase education and awareness of what it might feel like to have dementia through a short virtual reality video.

Over the last few weeks, we have collected true accounts from individuals with lived experience of dementia, and their partners and carers. Using this invaluable feedback, we set out to build on the pre-existing work of the “A Walk Through Dementia” app by developing a film for a new simulated setting.

Depicted wonderfully by our very own Ryan Muldoon, the 360-degree video will demonstrate what a person with dementia may experience in a busy clinical environment. With the help of our brilliant FLIE colleagues Tracey and Oliver, the bustling and busy environment will also be edited with a narrated script overlay to demonstrate how they might feel using internal monologue.


Ward scene

Unlike many dementia-related films, the story is told from a male perspective in a simulation ward bay. The video depicts how the surroundings may impact their comfort, concentration, and sense of safety in their environment and will used as an educational tool and future research.


In the photo you can see FLIE team, Olly Moore Oats, and Tracey Webb; John Moran FHSS;  Memory Tauringana, Helen Aldridge and Emma Lucas (DNS), Becky Dew and Michele Board; and George  as the security guard! In addition we were joined by special guests who might well have a second career in acting!
Group photo
Thank you to our wonderful colleagues,  and collaborators who have supported making this film, with acting skills worthy of Hollywood stars! Safe to say we all enjoyed making this film and hope it will prove to be a valuable educational tool. Editing in progress… watch this space!

Becky Dew BA (Hons), MSc.

Research Assistant
Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

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