Slow & Steady: Establishing an Institutional Culture of Academic Integrity

Next Monday we’re continuing with the webinar series on AcademicIntegrity after a long pause due to the industrial strike action. Led by Lynn Cliplef, Mitchell Hengen, Caitlin Munn and Josh Seeland, the talk will offer an engaging insight into working examples of how to build a culture of Academic Integrity at your institution. This is taking place on Monday 13th March 3-4pm, read the abstract below:

“Establishing an institutional culture of academic integrity can be an uphill battle spanning many years. While this can be off-putting for those who may feel that their individual roles in this context are futile, sustained collaborative efforts at the grassroots level and key partnerships (Bertram Gallant, 2011) can plant the seeds for a holistic change.

Join the multidisciplinary Learning Commons team for an interactive session in which academic integrity is anchored in teaching and learning (Bertram Gallant, 2016). Participants will leave this session with clear, research and evidence-based examples of opportunities for building a culture of academic integrity in their own institution.”

Learning outcomes:

· Summarize theories and frameworks related to education on academic integrity

· Describe strategies which reduce avenues for academic misconduct, including mathematics assignments specifically

· Summarize process for identifying indicators of potential academic misconduct

· Describe processes to improve the administration of policy related to academic integrity and academic misconduct

Register for the event

BU staff can join directly via the link on the Workshops and Drop-ins page

Mitchell Hengen, Josh Seeland, Caitlin Munn, Lynn Cliplef


#AIBU22, #AcademicIntegrity, #HigherEducation, #BUProud


Lynn Cliplef is a Faculty Development Coach in the Centre for Learning Innovation at ACC. Trained in secondary education, she has spent time instructing students in the applied trades in the math and science they need to be successful on the job. She is currently completing a Master’s in Educational Administration by completing research on the experiences of novice trades instructors.

Mitchell Hengen is a Faculty Development Coach at the Centre for Learning Innovation at ACC. Mitchell comes from a background in the fields of trades and adult education and is now working towards his Master’s in Educational Technology and Design. Mitchell strives to work collaboratively within the context of each of the unique programs that he serves.

Caitlin Munn (she/her) is an Educational Quality Assurance Specialist at Assiniboine Community College. Caitlin is an adult educator and Ontario Certified Teacher who holds a BA (Honours)/B.Ed. Concurrent and Master of Education (thesis). Caitlin’s experience spans the elementary, high school, and post-secondary systems.

Josh Seeland is the Manager of Library Services at ACC, a founding member of the Manitoba Academic Integrity Network, and Chair of ACC’s Academic Integrity Advisory Committee. His writing on academic integrity can be found in Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, and the recently published book “Contract Cheating in Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Theory, Practice, and Policy”.

Bertram Gallant, T. (2011). Building a culture of academic integrity.

Bertram Gallant, T. (2016). Leveraging institutional integrity for the betterment of education. In Bretag, T. (Ed.). Handbook of academic integrity. Springer.

Previous webinars

A reminder that BU colleagues can catch up on previous webinars in the Academic Integrity speaker series on FLIEFlix, where you will find recordings and accompanying slides for all the speakers.

Brought to you by Steph Allen and the FMC Learning Development Team








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