Now resolved: Launching Zoom from a Brightspace unit via ‘Communication’ menu bar

Update: 23/01/23 3:00PM

This issue has now been resolved and normal service is resumed allowing Zoom meetings to be scheduled, launched and joined from Brightspace units.

If you have any further queries or issues, please raise a ticket with the IT Service Desk:


Update 23/01/23 10:00AM

We are aware that there is currently an issue when trying to launch Zoom sessions via a Brightspace unit from the Communication > Zoom menu bar. This issue prevents both staff and students from launching/joining Zoom meetings from this location. Zoom support are investigating issue with an aim to fix it as soon as possible.

The following error message will display when clicking Communication > Zoom in the menu bar from a Brightspace unit.


Please click the Sign in option to create your BU Zoom account and then return to your Brightspace unit to schedule sessions.

Something wrong happened, please try again later(2207).

Updates on this issue

Updates to this issue can be tracked on the Zoom status page, scroll to the bottom of the page for a notice called ‘A subset of users not able to use oauth for authentication‘. You can subscribe to this issue for updates.

Workaround for staff

If you have already scheduled Zoom sessions from your Brightspace unit, these sessions can be launched directly from the Zoom portal. To do this, the staff member that scheduled the meeting will need to do the following:
  • log into Zoom at
  • Click Meetings in the menu to view and launch a meeting
  • Students will need a link to join the meeting, click on the meeting you need to run and then copy the Invite link and post this into a Brightspace announcement for the relevant unit, and advise students to use this link.
If you have not yet scheduled a meeting or can’t access the meeting that you need to run today (for students on a Brightspace unit) then go to the Zoom portal, click on the Meetings link in the menu, then schedule a meeting and share the link with your students.


If you have any further queries or issues, please raise a ticket with the IT Service Desk:

We will keep you updated on the progress of this issue.

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