Escape Rooms – Drop-in Session in FG04

Are you interested in creating a virtual escape room in your Brightspace unit? Neon escape room sign

By bringing the theory of gamification and introducing an element of competition or reward into tasks or activities, escape room exercises can be developed within Brightspace using a combination of the available tools and other external resources, which can be physical or online.

If you are not sure what a virtual escape room is, read this blog post- Virtual Escape Rooms using Brightspace and try this example: Enter the Escape Room Unit

So, if you have an intended learning outcome and a fun scenario idea, then grab your laptop and come along to FG04 between 11:30 am to 1 pm on Tuesday 6th December to put it into action.


Further help and support

Contact your Faculty Learning Technologist for further support or attend one of their regular Faculty drop-in sessions.

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