Plagiarism in the Disrupted HE Landscape

The first talk in the Academic Integrity online webinar series takes place next week on Tuesday 29th November 4-5pm with speaker Dr Sarah Elaine Eaton presenting on where plagiarism sits in the realm of Higher Education’s changing landscape. Read her abstract below.

“Academic integrity and plagiarism are about much more than student conduct. Academic integrity is also about ethical and equitable teaching, learning, and assessment. In this session we explore how plagiarism and academic integrity are changing. We’ll look at academic integrity as applied ethical practice in higher education. We will talk about some major shifts in this landscape with one of the main ones being the impact of artificial intelligence and algorithmic writing technologies such as GPT-3. Finally, you’ll get practical ideas to promote integrity that you can use in your virtual or face to face classroom right away.”

Register for the event

BU staff can join directly via the link on the Workshops and Drop-ins page

Dr Sarah Elaine Eaton

Sarah Elaine Eaton, PhD, is an associate professor at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Canada.

She has written and presented extensively on academic integrity and is regularly invited as a media guest to talk about academic misconduct. She is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal for Educational Integrity.

Her books include Plagiarism in Higher Education: Tackling Tough Topics in Academic Integrity, Academic Integrity in Canada: An Enduring and Essential Challenge (Eaton & Christensen Hughes, eds.) and Contract Cheating in Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Theory, Practice, and Policy (Eaton, Curtis, Stoesz, Clare, Rundle, & Seeland, eds.)

#AIBU22, #AcademicIntegrity, #HigherEducation, #BUProud

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