The National Teaching Fellow Scheme at Bournemouth University (2)

AdvanceHE run this prestigious national scheme for excellent educators.  The National Teaching Fellowships Scheme (NTFS) is open to all Higher Education Providers (HEPs) across the four nations of the UK, including Further Education Colleges and independent ‘alternative’ providers. Each UK HEP is invited to nominate up to three individual members of staff who can clearly demonstrate having an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession. In order to participate in the NTFS, institutions must be Advance HE Full or Affiliate members and based in the UK; participation in the scheme is a benefit of membership, i.e. no additional fee is due for participation. In selecting up to three individuals to put forward for the scheme, institutions are strongly encouraged to reflect the full diversity of their staff body.

Here at BU, FLIE lead the University to work on the teaching excellence scheme, through the TeachBU scheme for a range of AdvanceHE fellowships (Senior Fellow, Fellow, Associate Fellow) and the NTF. The BU NTFs are Dr Mel Hughes, Professor Sue Way and Professor Debbie Holley and the three of us, with Dr Geli Roushan and Anne Quinney from FLIE have recently run two workshops on our experiences as successful applicants, mentors and assessors. Nationally you can follow the NTF activities @NTF_tweet or see blog items. 

The slides shared during the presentation can be seen here

For more on BU’s National Teaching Fellowship follow this link.

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