PGR Virtual Poster Exhibition | Liz Bailey

The 13th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, hosted by the Doctoral College.

Liz Bailey (PhD, FMC) with this poster entitled: Is history repeating itself?

Click the poster below to enlarge.

Parallels can be drawn between the power of the publisher over the author in the 1700s and the power of the internet over the author today. By drawing comparisons between the Stationer’s Company of 1556 and the tech giant Facebook, it becomes apparent how similar the situation is today. Through review of the natural evolution of the destruction of the publishing monopolies of the 1700’s and the current fight back at tech giants like Facebook, it becomes apparent how history demonstrates that power is never perpetual, monopolies are constantly built up and destroyed. This is the natural law of things.

You can view the full poster exhibition and pre-recorded presentations on the conference webpage.

If this research has inspired you and you’d like to explore applying for a research degree please visit the postgraduate research web pages or contact the Doctoral College dedicated admissions team.

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