What is uGrade?
uGrade is BU’s name for a peer and self-assessment system called WebPA, a product of Loughborough University and the University of Hull. uGrade is open source, locally hosted and integrated with Brightspace. It allows groups of students to mark each other’s (and their own) participation in group work against set criteria.
How does it work?
uGrade uses an algorithm to calculate grades for each student based on the marks they have given each other, which can then be automatically used as a weighting on the overall grade awarded by the tutor for the group’s project. So if a group project is given 70% overall by the tutor, then the students that were considered to have worked well on the project by the other group members will get over 70%, and those who were considered to have contributed less will get below 70%.
Why use uGrade?
uGrade enables academic staff to provide fairer individual marking when assessing group work and allows them control over deadlines. Students easily access the link to carry out their peer (and self) assessment as uGrade is integrated with Brightspace and embedded within units. uGrade also allows you to export data, so lecturers could even use their own formulas to produce final marks.
Where can I find out more?
FLIE will be running two workshops to introduce uGrade and help you understand more about:
- The process and how it works
- Benefits for staff
- Benefits for students
- Support available
No need to sign up, just join on the day by clicking on the links below or via our Workshop and Drop-ins pages.
Further help and resources
Further information can be found on the TEL Toolkit or please contact your Faculty Learning Technologist
Any more dates planned as work commitments prevent me from attending both of these dates. Please advise.
Hi Luisa,
No further dates are planned at present. We will be recording the sessions and making the resources available for everyone. If you have any immediate questions regarding uGrade or wanted to arrange a session for your particular area please contact your Faculty Learning Technologist.
best regards,
Hello, just to check- on the workshop and drop in page there isn’t an option for 17th May? There was one on May 10th though- could you advise which was/is correct? I would like to attend May 17th if running? Thanks, Emma
Hi Emma,
It is running on the 17th May. Error now corrected – thanks for spotting that!
Super, thanks Tracey