FLIE workshops this week

This week FLIE will be continuing their series of online workshops to support staff in the development and delivery of their online and blended pedagogies.

FLIE Digital pedagogies Framework themes image

FLIE Digital pedagogies Framework themes

These workshops focus on some specific TEL tools as well as general areas that support the themes of the FLIE Digital Pedagogies Framework.

If you haven’t managed to attend any sessions yet, you’ll find all the session resources including presentation slides and recordings, along with  information about each session and sign up links, on the Workshops and Drop ins area of the Brightspace Staff Resources. Check back here regularly to view our ongoing timetable of workshops.


Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Thursday 17th Friday 18th
10-10.45 Approaches to asynchronous delivery Collaboration and Co-creation with Padlet Assessment & Feedback drop in with Anne Quinney Active Learning with Mentimeter Getting the most out of Panopto
2-2.45 Accessibility and your Unit Design Delivering live sessions with Zoom Collaborative learning with Teams


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