New FLIE workshops in September

This September FLIE will be offering a series of online workshops to support staff in the development and delivery of their online and blended pedagogies.

FLIE Digital pedagogies Framework themes image

FLIE Digital pedagogies Framework themes

These workshops focus on some specific TEL tools as well as general areas that support the themes of the FLIE Digital Pedagogies Framework.

More information about each session is listed below. Simply click on the link in the table to join any session.


Accessibility and your Unit Design

In this workshop we look at some approaches and techniques to make sure your Brightspace units are inclusive and accessible for all students; from clear unit structure and accessible learning materials to best practice with videos and utilising Brightspace’s accessibility checker.

Approaches to Asynchronous Delivery

With the move to online teaching, gaining and keeping the student’s engagement has become a lot more important and also a lot more difficult. In this session we will look at some of the ways in which asynchronous content can be delivered and best practice ideas to address engagement and improve the student experience.

Active Learning with Mentimeter

Find out about the functionality of Mentimeter, the audience response tool, and how you can use it to employ active learning strategies by engaging students both in real time and asynchronously.

Collaborative Learning with MS Teams

Discover how you can use MS Teams to easily communicate with colleagues and students, with some best practice ideas on how it can be used for teaching and learning.

Collaboration and Co-creation with Padlet

A hands on demonstration exploring the functionality and some best practice use cases of Padlet including real time collaboration and student co-creation.

Getting the most out of Panopto

A walk through demonstration exploring Panopto to enhance your teaching materials, paying particular focus to adding additional content to enhance the student experience, editing recordings and making this available within your Brightspace content area

Delivering Live Sessions with Zoom

This session will cover some of the basics of using Zoom and its functionalities, from setting up meetings to the use of Zoom engagement tools.  It will encompass a mix of simple technical demonstrations as well as advice on best practice in line with the FLIE Digital Pedagogies Framework.

Additional Sessions : Assessment and Feedback

Dr Anne Quinney, FLIE Theme Leader  will also be running weekly drop in sessions on each Wednesday to provide the opportunity to talk through your ideas for assessment and feedback and identify potential strategies or solutions.


Monday 7th Tuesday 8th Wednesday 9th Thursday 10th Friday 11th
10-10.45 Delivering live sessions with Zoom Collaborative learning with Teams Assessment & Feedback drop in with Anne Quinney Accessibility and your Unit Design
2-2.45 Getting the most out of Panopto Approaches to asynchronous delivery Active Learning with Mentimeter Collaboration and Co-creation with Padlet
Monday 14th Tuesday 15th  Wednesday 16th Thursday 17th Friday 18th
10-10.45 Approaches to asynchronous delivery Collaboration and Co-creation with Padlet Assessment & Feedback drop in with Anne Quinney Active Learning with Mentimeter Getting the most out of Panopto
2-2.45 Accessibility and your Unit Design Delivering live sessions with Zoom Collaborative learning with Teams


One Response to “New FLIE workshops in September”

  1. Milena Bobeva's avatar Milena Bobeva

    How can one access the chat from the session they have attended or (partially) missed?
    Some useful links have been shared there, but did not copy them at the time and now can’t find them.



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