Day of action for disability equality in education

Did you know that today UCU are holding their first day of action for disability equality in education to launch disability history month?

The day of action is all about organising/raising awareness against discrimination and will focus on the challenges and barriers faced by disabled people in education. There will be a meeting in parliament where you will see the involvement of the TUC and campus unions as well as disability equality campaign groups and organisations, calling for:

  • Time limits for the implementation of reasonable adjustments 
  • Review of building regulations to ensure that new buildings are fully accessible
  • statutory rights for disability leave
  • the right to access mainstream education and reverse the cuts for special educational needs and disability (SEND).

To get involved with the campaign you can do a multitude of things, ranging from putting up a simple disability wall chart to taking photographs with a selection of selfie posters (which can be found by clicking on this link) and posting them using the hashtag #IncludeUs! Let’s unite and show our support!

Jenna Giles-Bodilly
TEL Development Team

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