CEL embraces CMALT

CEL embraces CMALT: a blog post from Learning Technology Advisor @SusanMGrieg (University of Edinburgh)

On the June 14th I gave a one day intensive workshop at the Centre for Excellence in learning (CEL) at the University of Bournemouth to talk to staff about Certified Membership of the Association for Learning Technology (CMALT).

I’m a CMALT holder myself and Lead Assessor and I run a cohort for a group of CMALT applicants at the University of Edinburgh. Professor Debbie Holley saw me speak about my work last year at the ALT C 17 conference in Liverpool. Debbie thought CMALT offered an excellent staff development opportunity and was planning to start a group cohort at the University of Bournemouth so she kindly invited me to come and speak to her and her teams as they set out together to become CMALT accredited.

So what is CMALT?

CMALT is a certified membership of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) it’s a portfolio based assessment which is based on an applicant’s previous experience of working with learning technology (minimum 2 years). To apply, candidates write a portfolio which shows how they address four core areas and a specialist area of practice and how that their professional practice align with the principles and values of the scheme. The flexible framework is appropriate for staff in a variety of roles, including technical, academic and leadership. The full guidelines are online: https://www.alt.ac.uk/sites/alt.ac.uk/files/CMALT%20Guidelines%200416_NC_ND.pdf


The key thing to remember is that portfolio must include description, reflection and evidence for all areas.



The University of Bournemouth is an institutional member of ALT – so all staff can join as associate members for free. Once you are a member and are logged in you can see example CMALT portfolios which some members have chosen to share.

At the University of Edinburgh we invite CMALT Holders after they have passed to write a short statement for our webpages explaining what the gained from this. Here are a few quotes to inspire Bournemouth applicants as they begin their CMALT journeys:

“Putting together my CMALT portfolio helped me to take a step back from my work and think about how it fits into a wider context”

“The portfolio is structured in such a way that it helps you to identify and reflect on aspects of your own role that you may not have given due consideration to previously, as well as those that you consider your core activities.”

“The process gave me an opportunity to pause and reflect on what I have achieved, what I could have done differently, and what I would like to do in the future.“

“Going through the process has encouraged me to be more reflective, which has allowed me to see where improvements in my work can be made”

“Achieving the CMALT accreditation is a proof of my professional skills and the career in technology-enhanced learning.”

“Going through the process has encouraged me to be more reflective, which has allowed me to see where improvements in my work can be made”

“Having to write concisely about your work requires you to get your thoughts in order.“


It was a pleasure to visit CEL at the University of Bournemouth and to meet everyone during the workshop. I wish you all the best as you write your portfolios and I look forward to hearing about your progress (tweet me @SusanMGreig). It will be great to see the University of Bournemouth feature prominently on the CMALT holders list.




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