iVLE is the PREP activity for 17/18. Please click here for more information on the background and aims of iVLE.
The result of this PREP activity is having a very positive impact on students as this graph of the benefits shows:

All four faculties are engaging with the same PREP activity this year and we have seen some excellent examples of innovation in teaching and learning across the university. We are also aware that some staff have completed their activity but are yet to document it using the online form. Here is a link to the online form for HSS. The form is very quick to complete.
iVLE is intended to be a group activity. It is sufficient for one person to submit the form on behalf of the group and to include the group member names within the form.
If you have not yet completed your activity, don’t worry, there is still time. It would be great if you could complete and document your PREP activity sooner rather than later as CEL is due to report on iVLE at the ESEC meeting in May.
Here are 20 examples of the PREP activities already recorded by staff:
Blended learning

- Created ‘follow-me’ videos using Camtasia
- Used Panopto to record guest lectures, produce introductory videos for students and clarify issues for students
- Developed a virtual reality learning environment for students
- Used TED Talks to augment in-class learning
- Created online resources for CPD students who are working full-time
- Augmented a Powerpoint presentation by adding an audio sound track and presenting it to students as a video.
Flipped classroom
1. Many staff have Experimented with different pedagogic approaches, including the flipped classroom, to move the learning to before the interaction with students.

- Produced a series of videos to help students with assessment
- Explored the use of audio feedback as an improvement over written feedback
- Developed innovative assessments for students
- Designed a peer-review process
- Scheduled formative feedback sessions within seminars
- Used quizzes for summative assessment

- Used discussion boards to improve the quality and breadth of communication with students
- Created a co-ordinated approach to unit presentation in a programme within Brightspace so that students have a consistent experience
- Used tools from the TEL Toolkit to develop student engagement eg Padlet, Mentimeter and YouTube
- Engaged students by asking them to present their work from their own devices using the WIFI Present option on the lecterns.
- Deployed the reading list to clarify expectations for reading before lectures and seminars
- Used GoTo Webinar to allow a large group of dispersed students to work together

- There were many PREP activities using Brightspace, including the use of quizzes, lockers for group work, FAQs, using group functionality and intelligent agents.
If you would like more support with PREP, please speak to your faculty representatives or to us in CEL.