We had a wonderful finale to the taught PGCert programme. What made it wonderful? PGCert students, facilitators and of course balloons, drawing, Lego, whiteboard markers and food!
Our theme was the 21st Century Learner. Michelle Morgan helped us contextualise the complexities of the student body today. We thought about the pressures our students are under, and playing our part to help with engagement and belonging. Participants drew a life-graph to explore those who had mentored them in the past, thought about their characteristics and considered whose input they would value in their future lives. Core characteristics of mentors were those who are knowledgeable, passionate, supportive and inspiring. These are similar characteristics that students want from their lecturers. This therefore complemented the latest results from data from ‘SimOn’, our online student feedback tool, presented by Jamie Swanson. The creative highlight of the day was Lego building with Susanne Clark on “what makes an excellent teacher”! The day ended with feedback to one another, in small groups, of videoed teaching practice. This is an extraordinarily simple and motivating method of peer-coaching to develop your teaching practice. In BU this is made more accessible via Panopto too.
Both drawing and Lego help people think more divergently and bring forth a richer picture through metaphors in the making. CEL will be running more workshops on the use of these – watch this space! Meanwhile, if you are new to HE and interested in learning more about learning and teaching, have a think about joining us on the cohort next year. Please have a look at the details of the year long PGCert programme and ‘apply now’!