This picture was taken last week at the third face-to-face session of the PG Diploma unit in TEL: Creativity in Design. The unit is delivered with four face-to-face and four online sessions. In the picture, we were testing the technology so I hope I had not quite lost the audience!
It has been fantastic to run the TEL sessions. The level of input and engagement from the staff has been tremendous.
The unit, which covers a wide range of TEL areas, has been well received by staff. The feedback received includes:
- “It will enable me to make my teaching more interactive and engaging (hopefully). This will benefit me, my students and in turn the organisation.”
- “I have started to feel more comfortable and a bit more of an insider in social media etc and have a bit more confidence to try it.”
- “The workshop will allow me to develop my theoretical understand of learning and elearning therein, directly supporting my teaching and support role. This will help both my own professional development and the aims of my department in delivering it’s services. Obviously this then pushes out to supporting the aims and objectives of BU.”
- “Personally, this will allow to me grow as an educator. For my team, it allows me to develop expertise in TEL that I can share with colleagues.”
- “Each session helps me refine my own practice and education research a bit more :-)”
The PG Dip unit in Technology Enhanced Learning began at the start of the month and will complete in May. The other two PG Dip units, in Assessment and Employability, also began running this month so it has been a busy time for CEL.
Now that the units have been accredited and learning from the experiences of these CPD, we will be running them as 20 credit units from the next academic year.