Apologies for cross posting, but some colleagues might be interested:
The University of Surrey presents Excellence in Teaching Symposium – ExciTeS 2007.
Date: 4th January 2017
First call for proposals
A chance to share best practice and showcase innovation
Colleagues are cordially invited to submit proposals for sessions at the University Excellence in Teaching Symposium to be held on 4th January 2017. Sessions can be in the following formats:
Discussion forum
Sessions will be 30 minutes in length. These should focus on an area of innovative teaching practice and should be designed to engage an audience of peers from across the faculties. Submissions will be subject to peer review before acceptance.
If you wish to discuss your ideas before submission, please consult your Associate Dean for Learning & Teaching or a member of the academic team in the Department of Higher Education.
Deadline for final submissions: 2nd November 2016
Submissions** to Jane Bradford (Department of Higher Education): j.bradford@surrey.ac.uk
(**Please use attached submission template)
Participants should register for the event at: https://www.surrey.ac.uk/content/surrey-excites-registration-form
Guidance notes for presenters
Presentations should be engaging and pitched at colleagues from a range of academic disciplines from across the University – technical, discipline-specific terminology should therefore be kept to a minimum and explained where necessary. Guidance on conventional session types may be found below:
A formal presentation (often, but not necessarily supported by PowerPoint), where the presenter will offer a summary of an educational intervention or piece of research that has been undertaken within the university teaching context. This may be a completed investigation or a work in progress. (Typically 20 mins presentation + 10 mins questions)
Discussion forum
A round table discussion in which the presenter may
Introduce an issue that may be of wide interest in order to generate debate and draw perspectives from across the disciplines
Introduce a project that others may wish to join as a research group. (Typically 5 mins introduction + 25 mins discussion)
Presenters are advised to use session titles that emphasise the educational innovation and wider interest of their work, rather than the disciplinary context in which it has been developed in order to attract an audience and encourage interdisciplinary discussion and cross-fertilization of ideas.