Digital skills self-assessment questionnaire open now – 1 Feb 16

Would you like to self-assess your digital skills and gain a better understanding of the areas in which you are confident?  We have developed an online questionnaire, which can be anonymous if you prefer, to capture this information.

The questionnaire lists all the TEL tools that will be available in the TEL Toolkit to be released tomorrow, 2 Feb 16.  You will be able to assess your level of confidence in these tools and a number of other areas within the digital sphere.

Completing the questionnaire will give you a view of those areas in which you have knowledge, skills and experience and may also identify other areas with which you are not so familiar.

In addition to the better understanding the questionnaire will give you, the information collected will be used to further develop the Toolkit and focus the work of CEL, OD and the Library and Learning Support where it can be most effective in developing digital skills across BU.

To complete the online questionnaire, please go to:

It will take you about 10 minutes.

If you have any feedback on the questionnaire, please record that here:


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