PeerWise is an online multiple choice question (MCQ) application that is accessible by all staff and students.
We welcome your feedback and comments on your use of this tool in teaching and learning.
Centre for Fusion Learning Innovation and Excellence
Embedding excellence through fusion of education, research and professional practice
PeerWise is an online multiple choice question (MCQ) application that is accessible by all staff and students.
We welcome your feedback and comments on your use of this tool in teaching and learning.
We are using PeerWise as part of our assessments in the Department of Computing and Informatics. It is currently being used in the Computers and Networks module assignment and the PeerWise sub-element is worth 10% of the overall unit mark. This online experience deepens and expands students’ knowledge by giving them a chance to create questions and also to test their knowledge through answering the questions set by others.
I am using Peerwise as part of formative assessment in preparation for final examination. It works on a basis of students’ engagement with weekly covered themes which eventually constitute exam topics. Students are asked to produce multiple-choice questions in relation to themes. Other peer students respond to questions as well as rate questions on basis of their quality, complexity and academic credibility. Each student is eventually placed on league table and these who are well rated as well as active in terms of asking questions and responding to questions are recognised. League table, underpinned by the gamification principles, motivates and drives students to engage with Peerwise. Eventually, I do reward students on the basis of continuous high quality engagement with Peerwise, by discussing indicative questions which mights appear during the exam. As a results, the fear of examination is minimised among students and students focus on achieving learning outcomes and generating knowledge and skills, rather than simply focusing on successful completion of the unit.
I am part of a team working on a Fusion-funded project using Peerwise. Collaborating with students we have produced a repository of generic questions on research methods and academic writing that we hope to make available to all BU staff and students. The process of question creation developed student understanding of the themes they were assigned and will enable future student users to further deepen their knowledge by answering those same questions.