The new and updated JISC Guide to mobile learning

JISC have revisited their excellent guide to mobile learning – new case studies, videos and lots more…

Extract from Guide:

“Mobile learning can be many things to different groups of people. Superficially, it appears from the outside to be learning via mobile devices such as smartphones, MP3 players, laptops and tablets. Certainly, these are important in enabling mobile learning.

“Early definitions of [mobile learning], which focused predominantly on the attributes of mobile technology, have given way to more sophisticated conceptualisations suggesting that mobility is the central issue (Winters, 2006). This denotes not just physical mobility but the opportunity to overcome physical constraints by having access to people and digital learning resources, regardless of place and time.”
Kukulska-Hulme (2010)

But mobile learning is more than just using a mobile device to access content and communicate with others – it is about the mobility of the learner. According to Mike Sharples, a leading authority in the field, mobile learning can be defined as:

“the processes (both personal and public) of coming to know through exploration and conversation across multiple contexts amongst people and interactive technologies”
Sharples, M. et al, 2007

The key word here is context. Mobile learning allows for a contextualisation of learning that is impossible with desk-bound computing.”

Link to guide and further resources:

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