PG Cert Online week: contribute to our Twitter debate

Join us: #PGCertBU Thursday 29th October 10.30/11.30

Dr Debbie Holley is a National Teaching Fellow and leads the Post Graduate Certificate for Educational Practice – the BU in-house course designed to support and develop new staff. Successful completion of the course also means participants qualify for the award of Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a KPI for the University.

This week the PGCert participants are taking part in an online learning week. They are tasked with completing an activity per day, with an evaluation of their experiences being collected – online of course! Anyone with an interest in assessment is warmly invited to contribute to our Twitter discussion on Thursday morning, 10.30-11.30 at the hashtag #PGCertBU – our discussion is based on the Re-engineering assessment project (REAP) work by Prof David Nicol and his team, funded a £1 million grant from the Scottish Government. Preparation for the twitter chat? The REAP website is here:

The weekly activities are outlined below:

Monday:  Test your assessment knowledge – a Multi Choice Quiz (MCQ); add to the questiondatabase by writing one new question with 3 answers
Tuesday:  Upload a draft of one of your patches, and comment on the patches of other group members
Wednesday: Read the article on assessment and post your main thoughts to the discussion board; prepare some key thoughts and comments of no more than 140 characters ready for our twitter discussion
Thursday: Twitter Chat led by Jacqueline and Debbie
Friday: Feedback on the week – using LinoIT

The activities for the week have been supported by Sue Callard, the course Learning Technologist and Dr Jacqeline Priego, Postdoctoral Research Assistant with CEL

For more information on any of the activities, or for finding out more about the PGCert please contact Debbie ( Jacqueline ( or for more information about including any of the online activities in your own practice, you can email

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