
CIPPM/BU Law hosts 8th GikII Conference

The Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management (CIPPM) together with the Law Department was delighted to host the 8th GikII Conference which was held on 16-17 September 2013. The conference was chaired by Dr. Dinusha Mendis, Co-Director CIPPM and Professor Lilian Edwards, Deputy Director CREATe, University of Glasgow and Professor of Internet Law at University of Strathclyde. The conference has… Read more » about CIPPM/BU Law hosts 8th GikII Conference

Copyright and the regulation of orphan works: Presentation at EPIP conference in Paris

The paper Copyright and the regulation of orphan works: a comparative review of seven jurisdictions and a rights clearance simulation, authored by Marcella Favale, Fabian Homberg, Martin Kretschmer, Dinusha Mendis, and Davide Secchi (in alphabetical order) will be presented by Marcella Favale (CIPPM) and Martin Kretschmer (CREATe) at the 8th annual conference of the EPIP (European… Read more » about Copyright and the regulation of orphan works: Presentation at EPIP conference in Paris

Professor Ruth Towse visiting University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Ruth Towse

CIPPM Co-Director Professor Ruth Towse has been invited by the University of Canterbury (New Zealand) as visiting fellow for her work in cultural economics, in the frame of the Erskine Programme. During her permanence in the Southern Hemisphere, Professor Towse will also be visiting Australia where she shall give seminars at MacQuarie University in Sydney… Read more » about Professor Ruth Towse visiting University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Presentation of Ruth Soetendorp at EIPNT, Lisbon (Portugal)

On 15-16th July 2013, Professor Ruth Soetendorp, Associate Director of the Business School’s Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management (CIPPM), will present a paper titled “Who Cares What Students Think about IP?” at the Seventh Annual Workshop of the European Intellectual Property Teacher’s Network (EIPTN) at University of Lisbon, Portugal. Details about the Conference can be found here.

D. Mendis – Are You Ready For Your Child, The 3D Printing Genius?

On Wednesday 10 July 2013, CIPPM Co-Director, Dr. Dinusha Mendis was invited to publish an article for The Conversation. The article focused on 3D printing for the next generation of children. The article titled ‘Are you ready for your child, the 3D Printing genius?’ responded to Education Minister Michael Gove’s pledge this week to modernise… Read more » about D. Mendis – Are You Ready For Your Child, The 3D Printing Genius?