Wednesday 18 November 2020, 16:00 – 17:30
A live streaming event to engage film lovers in a great challenge: get together and help BFI to unlock orphan films.
Find more on EnDOW Community at
16:00 Maurizio Borghi (Bournemouth University) – The EnDOW Community Project: What it is and how did we get here
16:10 Bartolomeo Meletti (Worth Knowing Productions) – Unlocking Orphan Films: the promotional video and its making
16:20 Claudy Op den Kamp (Bournemouth University) – Because They’re Worth It! Introducing the films that need copyright clearance
16:35 Annabelle Shaw (BFI): How to do a diligent search for a Cultural Institution
16:50 Marcella Favale (Bournemouth University) – We will be at your side: The Tutorials, the Manual, the Discussion Group
17:00 Q&A Session
17:25 Maurizio Borghi – Closing Remarks
Registration and attendance
The event is free, but registration is required
>> Attend the event on ZOOM
Meeting ID: 846 0420 7600
Passcode: EnDOW2020!
EnDOW Community is a project funded by AHRC