Professor Soetendorp at WIPO Academy seminar on IP and Education

Tbilisi, Georgia was the venue in June for the latest World Intellectual Property Organisation Academy intellectual property and education international seminar.  Delegates of national Intellectual Property Offices, Education Ministries and Universities attended from Azerbaijan, Poland, Iran, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Italy, Egypt, Romania, Greece, UK, EUIPO, and the USPTO.

It was a pleasure to share material I’d researched about IP Education approaches and resources from UKIPO, SIPO and JPO; as well as methodologies of IP and innovation education in law and non-law faculties

The focus of the programme was to share IPO human capacity building programmes and IP Education teaching methodologies.  Success stories of implementing IP education projects were recounted in enthusiastic detail.  As the significance of IP Education is becoming more widely appreciated, so the techniques for its delivery become better understood.  Delegates’ described their different practices in IP and innovation education, which ensured all participants left with fresh ideas to boost IP education in their schools and universities.

Tbilisi is a beautiful city at the crossroads of East and West.  It is rich in history, with much charm.  The Sakpatenti (Georgian IPO) proved wonderful hosts.  WIPO Academy organized an excellent event.

Ruth Soetendorp

Professor Emerita

Associate Director, CIPPM