Thursday 10 April 2014
Executive Business Centre, Bournemouth University
10.15 Digitization and the copyright mandate: solutions in search of a problem?
Chair: Martin Kretschmer (CREATe, University of Glasgow)
- Ronan Deazley and Victoria Stobo (CREATe, University of Glasgow) To search or not to search? Digitising archive collections in the new copyright settlement (Download slides here)
- Cédric Manara (Google) What we can learn from the Google Books project and ruling
- Uma Suthersanen (Queen Mary, University of London) Who Cares About the Orphans? Institutional and Authorial Mandates
11.30 Break
11.45 Use and re-use of digital objects
Chair: Roger Brownsword (King’s College London and Bournemouth University)
- Nora McGregor (British Library) The Mechanical Curator Experiment at British Library (Download slides here)
- Darren Wright (FreeBMD) Digitisation: Open Access to Public History (Download slides here)
- Dinusha Mendis (Bournemouth University) Back to the Future: The use and re-use of objects through 3D Printing (Download slides here)
13.00 Lunch
14.15 Policy implications and the economic impact of digitization in the creative industries
Chair: Ruth Towse (Bournemouth University)
- Piet Bakker (Newspaper Innovation)
- Trilce Navarrete (University of Amsterdam) Changes in heritage production and consumption brought by networked technologies
- Christian Handke (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) Digitization and Competitio in Copyright Indistries: One step forward and two steps back? (Download slides here)
15.45 Break
16.00 Who owns knowledge in the mass-digital age?
Chair: Stavroula Karapapa (University of Reading)
- Lucie Guibault (IViR, University of Amsterdam) Faustian Perspective on Digitization: Making a Deal with the Devil (Download slides here)
- Maurizio Borghi (Bournemouth University) Digital monopolies: how they are caused and how to unlock them (Dowload slides here)
- Jean-Claude Guédon (University of Montreal) Post-Foucaldian musings about digitization: power, knowledge and mass digitization
17.15 Cocktail