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PROVISIONAL programme for the BU Tourism and Hospitality Conference Bournemouth University, 4-6th September 2017 Visitor Economy

PROVISIONAL programme for the BU Tourism and Hospitality Conference Bournemouth University, 

4-6th September 2017  Visitor Economy: Strategies and Innovations Register on

The conference has attracted a very large number of abstracts and due to public demand we will extend the deadline 

Look forward to welcome you to Bournemouth University 

Adam Blake, Neelu Seetaram, Dimitrios Buhalis

Provisional Programme Register on

Dr Susanna Curtin was invited to Meiji University, Tokyo Japan as a visiting scholar

Dr Susanna Curtin was invited to Meiji University, Tokyo Japan as a visiting scholar


Between the 7th and the 17th April 2017, Dr Susanna Curtin was invited to Meiji University in Japan as a visiting scholar.  Here she was the keynote speaker at Wildlife Tourism Symposium organised by Associate Professor Tom Jones of Meiji University and APU. Her keynote was entitled ‘The Call of the Wild: Opportunities, Practices and Dilemmas of Wildlife Tourism’.  She also held a workshop for the Masters’ students where she discussed tourism and the commodification of wildlife.


Whilst in Japan, she visited a number of nature and wildlife attractions.  Her travels took her up Mt Takao and to Kyushu, the most southwestern of Japan’s main islands. Kyushu is known for its subtropical climate, its active volcanoes, beaches and its natural hot springs such as those at Beppu where she stayed.


The focus of the scholarship, apart from the keynote and the classes, was to develop a new project with her Japanese colleagues to study the sustainable management of food provisioned wildlife attractions such as Japanese monkey parks.  In Japan, Japanese macaques, also known as ‘snow monkeys’ are fed several times a day which attract the monkeys down from the mountains so that visitors can watch them.  Although this is a popular, and no doubt lucrative tourist attraction, food provisioning can cause several problems such as over-population of monkeys, increased inter-group and in-group aggression and habituation to humans.


One of their colleagues, Haruko Masuo, has 15 years’ experience as a government-licenced tour guide and works at the world-famous Jigokudani Wild snow monkey park, near Yamanouchi in the Nagano region.  Here she has found that tourist numbers have increased mostly due to international tourists who visit the park. Whilst there is a historical acceptance of food provisioning for the monkeys in Japan, some international tourists feel that it renders their wildlife experience as inauthentic and unethical.  Moreover, there are an increasing number of aggressive monkeys who target tourists and their picnics.  Susanna’s, Tom’s and Haruko’s project, and subsequent papers, will explore tourist experiences and management policies to challenge this type of attraction and suggest a more sustainable approach to wildlife park management.

New Article on Tourism Destination Word of Mouth

New Article on Tourism Destination Word of Mouth  : Williams, N., Inversini; A., Buhalis, D., Ferdinand, N., 2017 Destination eWOM drivers and characteristics, Annals of Tourism Research 64 (2017) 87–101  DOWNLOAD FOR FREE

Destination eWOM: A macro and meso network approach?

Nigel L. WilliamsaAlessandro InversinibNicole FerdinandcDimitrios Buhalisd


•Destination eWOM network structure remains unchanged despite scale significant growth.
•Meso (community) level hubs act as global information senders and receivers.
•Hub roles evolve over time.
•Discourse within destination eWOM networks can fluctuate from year to year.


The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework that describes the characteristics and the underlying drivers of publically shared electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) for destinations. Tweets about a destination were collected while the destination hosted a hallmark event over a 5-year period (2011–2015). In each year, interactions on Twitter were analysed using macro and meso-level social network analysis to identify the network structure and hubs of eWOM activity. A K means clustering algorithm was then applied to create clusters of nodes with similar characteristics and eWOM content within each cluster was analysed using automated content analysis. The resulting model indicates that destination and event eWOM maintains a macro network structure in which a small number of accounts or hubs influence information sharing. Hub characteristics evolve over time, whereas eWOM content can fluctuate in response to emergent destination activities.


  • Destination eWOM;
  • eWOM;
  • Social media;
  • Twitter;
  • Social network analysis;
  • Text analysis;
  • Digital marketing


Bournemouth University is a proud partner of INVTUR2017 Conference at the University of Aveiro Portugal

Bournemouth University is a proud partner of INVTUR2017 Conference at the University of Aveiro Portugal

International conference- Co-creating the future of tourism
University of Aveiro, Portugal May 17th – 19th, 2017

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis is cochair of the conference, Professor Adele Ladkin is Keynote and Yeyen Sinatra is Social Media Champion 

Follow #INVTUR #UnivAveiro Universidade de Aveiro live on twitter @invtur and on facebook


INVTUR attracted 446 papers, 795 authors from 35 countries and 9 keynote speakers
Tuesday 16th May we host the Military Tourism conference with 700 students and 20 companies
The Business Innovation Tank will host 22 tourism organisations and 5 workshops with 25 speakers
The PhD workshop attracts 50 students from 14 countries and 9 keynote speakers
To See the programme see

Conference web site

International conference- Co-creating the future of tourism
University of Aveiro, Portugal May 17th – 19th, 2017

International Tourism and Hospitality Conference The Visitor Economy: Strategies and Innovations Bournemouth University 4-6 September 2017

International Tourism and Hospitality Conference The Visitor Economy: Strategies and Innovations

Bournemouth University 4-6 September 2017 Register on

Conference topics

The visitor economy includes all activities which contribute to visitors experiences. At the core are the components of the tourism product, such as accommodation, food, restaurants, transport and attractions. The concept, however, is much broader as the economy caters for the needs of all visitors, not just tourists. It embraces all activities, infrastructure and services provided to make each visitor’s experience possible. To create a successful visitor economy, it is necessary to manage each individual component of the economy efficiently with a focus on the needs of visitors. These strategies and innovations are used to build resilience into destinations and businesses to improve their international competitiveness. The themes of this conference will include, but are not limited to:

  • Animals & tourism
  • Coastal tourism Creative economy
  • Crisis & disaster management
  • Destination branding
  • Economics of tourism & hospitality
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Food, nutrition & wellbeing
  • Food & beverages
  • Forecasting Hospitality management ICT for development
  • ICT & social media
  • Marketing Smart tourism Sports tourism
  • Special events Sustainability
  • The visitor economy & peace
  • The visitors economy: strategies & innovations (in Spanish)
  • The visitor economy in the Mediterranean
  • Tourism and hospitality education
  • Tourism experience & co-creation
  • Tourism & poverty alleviation
  • Tourism planning & innovation
  • Transportation issues
  • Work & labour in tourism & hospitality

Please submit email abstracts by 26 May to:

The conference brings together leading academics and industry researchers to exchange and share their experiences, knowledge and ideas on all aspects of the visitor economy.

Keynotes include

Dr Igor Calzada Oxford University UK

Professor Carlos Costa University of Aveiro Portugal

Professor Alan Fyall University of Central Florida USA

Professor Maria Gravari-Barbas Sorbonne University France

Richard Lewis International hospitality executive, Dubai

Dr Sarote Phornprapha Dusit Thani College, Thailand

Professor Mariana Sigala University of South Australia Business School Australia


Abstract submission: 26 May

Acceptance: 30 June 2017

Deadline for registration: 18 Aug

Email abstracts to:

Conference fees

Early Bird Delegate:      £345 (by 14 July)

Early Bird Student: £190 (by 14 July)

Delegate fee :       £475

Student fee:         £240

Deadline to register: 27 August 2017

Social programme

We are committed that our delegates will have an incredible time in Bournemouth. An extensive social programme will enable all delegates to network with keynote speakers, journal editors and leading authors in the field as well as having good fun. You will have the opportunity to work and party.

Indicative social agenda

Thursday 31 August ­ Sunday 3 September- Bournemouth Air Festival

Sunday 3 September – 18:00 – Informal get together at a British Pub

Monday  4 September – Welcome salsa reception and networking

Tuesday 5 September – Conference WHITE dinner, party and awards

Wednesday 6 September 2017 ­ After conference tours and dinner


BU Tourism and Hospitality Conference Bournemouth University, 4-6th September 2017  

Visitor Economy: Strategies and Innovations Register on

Dr Duncan Light interviewed about Dracula tourism on Radio New Zealand

Dr Duncan Light interviewed about Dracula tourism on Radio New Zealand

For over 10 years Duncan Light has been studying the development of ‘Dracula tourism’ in Romania. He was recently interviewed about this subject on the “Nights” show on Radio New Zealand.

You can hear the full interview here:


You can hear the full interview here:

Professional Development Courses for the Tourism and Hospitality Sector start at Bournemouth University

Professional Development Courses for the Tourism and Hospitality Sector have started at Bournemouth University

Professional Development Courses for the Tourism and Hospitality Sector at Bournemouth University May 9 – 18

Professional Development Courses for the Tourism and Hospitality Sector at Bournemouth University May 9 – 18


Light, D. (2017) Progress in dark tourism and thanatourism research: An uneasy relationship with heritage tourism, Tourism Management, 61, 275-301

Light, D. (2017) Progress in dark tourism and thanatourism research: An uneasy relationship with heritage tourism, Tourism Management, 61, 275-301

This paper reviews academic research into dark tourism and thanatourism over the 1996e2016 period.
The aims of this paper are threefold. First, it reviews the evolution of the concepts of dark tourism and
thanatourism, highlighting similarities and differences between them. Second it evaluates progress in 6
key themes and debates. These are: issues of the definition and scope of the concepts; ethical issues
associated with such forms of tourism; the political and ideological dimensions of dark tourism and
thanatourism; the nature of demand for places of death and suffering; the management of such places;
and the methods of research used for investigating such tourism. Third, research gaps and issues that
demand fuller scrutiny are identified. The paper argues that two decades of research have not
convincingly demonstrated that dark tourism and thanatourism are distinct forms of tourism, and in
many ways they appear to be little different from heritage tourism.