Did you know that BU offers this amazing Academic Excellence Scholarship worth £1,500 for achieving exceptionally good results? It pays to try hard, literally! The word ‘scholarship’ sounds scary but honestly it’s not at all what it seems! The results seem high and impossible to reach, but who says you can’t aim high in life?… Read more » about BU’s Academic Excellence Scholarship
Josephine’s story: My first semester at BU
Now that Josephine’s been at BU for a whole semester, she tells us what she’s loved, what’s been difficult, and how she’s feeling now that she’s back in Sweden.
Shopping in Bournemouth
Although Bournemouth town centre may not be one of the most paramount places to shop in the UK, it does offer all the essential stores for a spot of student shopping. The town centre itself is actually relatively large, with a variety of shops dotted at either end of the town, so regardless of where… Read more » about Shopping in Bournemouth
Jessica’s guided tour of Talbot Campus
Not everyone gets a chance to visit BU, so Jessica’s here to show you around Talbot Campus. There was too much to show you in just one vlog, so look out for more facilities vlogs in the future!
Law at BU: is it for me?
Being a first year, it was only a few months ago I was in the same position as I’m sure a lot of you reading this are; you have finally worked out what you’d like to do at uni, but you’re still not sure which university is right for you. This decision is difficult for… Read more » about Law at BU: is it for me?
The things I wish someone had told me before I came to uni…
A laminated list of what I’d have liked someone to tell me. CONVENTIONAL? NONSENSICAL! Don’t worry what your university life looks like on Facebook or Instagram. No one is going to have the perfect university experience from start to finish – I know I didn’t. When I found out I was living in Unilet in… Read more » about The things I wish someone had told me before I came to uni…
How to deal with homesickness
Moving to university was a shock. It was all new and exciting but also daunting. Once everything is moved in to your room and house, once your parents/guardians/siblings etc. have all left, you’re sat on your bed looking around your room and all thoughts running through your head just stop. This is where I’m living… Read more » about How to deal with homesickness
A week in the life of a Sports Management student
From finance and development to the gym and drinking Fosters (not at the same time I might add), a week in the life of a second year Sports Management student at BU is entertaining and varied. As I’m sure you agree, Mondays are a struggle (even if mine do start at 1pm). Luckily though, mine… Read more » about A week in the life of a Sports Management student
Benny’s story: Why I love Games Technology at BU
Thinking about studying BSc (Hons) Games Technology? Benny tells us what it’s really like…
Studying Economics at BU
I am currently half way through my first semester at BU in the framework of Accounting & Finance. Now, you may be thinking, where does Economics come in? At BU, whether you are an Economics student or an Accounting/Finance student you will all study the same units in the first year. To start with, this… Read more » about Studying Economics at BU
Shaay’s story: A week in the life of a Forensic Science student
Meet our new vlogger, Shrada Gurung – or Shaay if you’re already a fan of hers on YouTube! Shrada has joined the BU vlogging team to bring you her story as a BSc (Hons) Forensic Science student.
A Day in the Life of a Forensic Computing Student
I didn’t start my course as an expert, I worked hard. So remember that “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” You may be wondering what an unusual course this is, well you’re right. Forensic Computing and Security is a branch of digital forensic science connected to evidence found in computers… Read more » about A Day in the Life of a Forensic Computing Student