Budgeting as a Bulgarian student at BU

Coming to Bournemouth University from Bulgaria has been the biggest challenge I’ve ever faced. I remember adjusting to my new lifestyle – the first month was an absolutely surreal experience. Not only did I now have to live on my own, but I also had complete control over my monthly budget. Additionally, the sheer amount… Read more » about Budgeting as a Bulgarian student at BU

Budgeting – A Student’s Financial Life-hacks

Handling finances can be tricky, especially when you’ve moved to a new place. The currency is different, the prices of commodities are new and most students are dealing with a fixed budget – having to balance basic needs, school supplies as well as at least a little bit of a social life. This blog is… Read more » about Budgeting – A Student’s Financial Life-hacks

A wide shot image of the Fusion Building on Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University

How To Job Hunt During Lockdown

For lots of us, especially for the ones that like me are in their final year, the UK lockdown has had a huge impact on job hunting. Whether it is a grad role, part-time job or an internship that you are looking for, look no more, here are some great alternatives to job hunt during… Read more » about How To Job Hunt During Lockdown

How my MSc Public Health degree leads me to a job in my home country

This is a guest blog by Youssef Karaki, a MSc Public Health graduate. I have completed a master’s degree in Public Health with merit from Bournemouth University, England. The programme allowed me to develop critical thinking techniques in health research. It has also taught me how to focus on public health issues holistically from environmental health,… Read more » about How my MSc Public Health degree leads me to a job in my home country

2 colouring books

Lockdown Lucky Dip: Things To Do

Whether you’re feeling anxious, bored or simply need a distraction during these times, work placement student Tia has come up with some ideas to do each day as we count down to life with a bit more normality! Hi everyone, staying busy and remaining positive is a must at the moment. Below you will find… Read more » about Lockdown Lucky Dip: Things To Do

Careers and employability support: How to land your dream job

One of the biggest pressures students face is whether they will be able to land a job before they graduate. Where do you start? How do you impress employers? What skills are they looking for? Luckily, Bournemouth University has a Careers and Employability Service to help you out – before and after you graduate! Whether… Read more » about Careers and employability support: How to land your dream job

Liam’s placement experience at a local charity

This is a guest blog post by current student Liam Richards, studying BA (Hons) Politics.  My name is Liam Richards, I am a BA (Hons) Politics student at BU and have undertaken a sandwich placement for my degree. I went to a couple of assessment centres but something was not quite right about the places… Read more » about Liam’s placement experience at a local charity

Making the most of a January start

Are you thinking about postgraduate study in 2020? Why not start this month –  Bournemouth University has a wide range of  Master’s degrees available. Bournemouth is my hometown – I was born and raised here – so for me, it was a no-brainer to do my masters at BU as I have lived here my… Read more » about Making the most of a January start

Helping you apply through UCAS

Applying for those all important university choices can be: a- nerve wracking b- challenging c- and well, where do you actually begin? Whether you’ve only just started thinking about university and want to know the process, half-way through your application and seeking clarity, submitted you’re application and twiddling your thumbs with whats next, our students… Read more » about Helping you apply through UCAS

Be successful with CareersBU

Hello there, I’m Alejandra, a student of MSc Nutrition and Behaviour from Colombia. When pursuing a postgraduate degree abroad, it’s important to understand the local market, the global trends, and know how to promote yourself in your professional field. One of my biggest dreams is to find a job I truly love, which would help… Read more » about Be successful with CareersBU

Five great things about being a Master’s student

They say Master’s students are usually more mature, more wise, more determined, more hardworking and better at multitasking. Is this true? Of course it is, however, it is assumed that postgraduate students never have time to do anything else but study. Now this is definitely not true. In fact, for Master’s students it’s just all about… Read more » about Five great things about being a Master’s student

A mature student living in halls

“Oh my god, no way! I’d never have thought that!” This is the response I receive every time I tell someone, usually begrudgingly, that I am classed as a mature student. This isn’t because I am blessed with youthful looks, it’s because university is actually an environment where people either just don’t notice or just… Read more » about A mature student living in halls