Preparing for A-Level results day

The 16th of August is keyed into many of your calendars and, with the day looming, now is the perfect time to start preparing for the big results day. Track – UCAS Four years later, I still have my UCAS account and log in details in my Notes on my phone- somewhere I knew I… Read more » about Preparing for A-Level results day

Next steps

Are you in your final year of A-levels or planning to return to full-time education? Thinking about applying to BU? If so, are you unsure of how to get started? If the previous applies to you, take a look at my step by step guide on what to do next…   Make your UCAS application (… Read more » about Next steps

UCAS EXTRA – does this apply to me?

What is UCAS Extra? If you’ve applied and received decisions from five universities and either you weren’t offered a place or you declined all of your offers, you can still apply to one further university using UCAS Extra. Please note: You’ll only be able to apply to one course at a time, meaning you’ll not… Read more » about UCAS EXTRA – does this apply to me?


When does the accommodation portal open? From 10 April you’ll receive an email your log in, which is different to your myHub details, this will enable you to complete stage 1 of the process. More details can be found on our website. If you’re a Hotmail user, please check your spam or junk box. We… Read more » about Accommodation

Katrina’s Story: Discovering my learning difficulty

The weird part was, just after finding out that I have Dyslexia, I thought of the primary school rumour ‘if you can’t spell Dyslexia then you have it’. In that moment, I couldn’t. PANIC. I never seriously considered if I could have a ‘Specific Learning Difficulty’, which is why it all came as a massive… Read more » about Katrina’s Story: Discovering my learning difficulty

A guide to A-level results day

I’ve always said there are two types of people when it comes to receiving results and A-Levels are no different. There are those who are really eager to rip off the proverbial plaster in one quick, swift motion and continually refresh the results page 30 minutes before they’re posted in the hope that by some… Read more » about A guide to A-level results day

Gap yaaah or university?

  I have always loved to travel. I love everything about it – the anticipation, the culture, the food and the sun. I think I was around 13 years old when I began saving to travel.  I didn’t quite know when I was going or for how long, but travelling has always been a life… Read more » about Gap yaaah or university?

Waiting for your application response

Having completed your full application to UCAS and having carried out all aspects of that including: writing your personal statement, stating your college/school grades etc., you then have the joy of waiting. It’s boring, I know. When I was waiting for my replies, I was checking my emails every chance I got. That is why… Read more » about Waiting for your application response

My first month at BU

University is the biggest change in your life and can be taken in many ways. Some choose to embrace every aspect by joining societies, working hard, spending money and going out in the evenings. I like to have a balance of all four of these things. At first, as it was Freshers’ Fortnight, I tended… Read more » about My first month at BU

My uni application story

For me, applying to university was an absolute mess. The process began in November, which seemed rather early, but trust me this is the time to start. I was extremely excited so was quick to sign up for university open days. I simply picked the first subject that came to my mind as a likely… Read more » about My uni application story

Halls becoming home

As it sunk in that I was clear of Clearing and closer to moving to uni, accommodation seemed the next check-box to be ticked! I was sure the chance of me getting into Halls of Residence was unlikely, yet I applied anyway, having gained high hopes from a confirmed place on my chosen course. When… Read more » about Halls becoming home