This week’s top questions

Here’s a look at the questions you’ve been asking this week… Is BU still open for Clearing 2015? I’m sorry, but we’re now closed for Clearing and our new academic term has now started for September 2015.  However, we’re now recruiting for our 2016 courses, so please visit our course listings for more details.  You… Read more » about This week’s top questions

My first weekend in uni accommodation

Meet new BU student Katrina, who’s here to share her journey with you. First things first – moving to a new home! So, I am currently sat at my new desk in my new room. It is my third day here in Bournemouth and I am having a lot of fun. It all started with the… Read more » about My first weekend in uni accommodation

Your top questions: 2015 undergrads special

The askBU team has been even busier than usual this week! There have been lots of questions from those of you wanting to join us this September, so here are some answers… What is Clearing? Clearing is the final part of the university admissions process. It’s organised by UCAS in July and August and is… Read more » about Your top questions: 2015 undergrads special

What are you asking?

Lots of you are asking about applications, Clearing and applying for September 2015, so here are some answers to your top questions! 1. I’ve been made a conditional offer to study at BU this September, but would like to take a gap year, please could I defer to 2016? You may be able to defer your… Read more » about What are you asking?

Adjustment – be prepared for A-level results day

If you’ve already applied through UCAS and are holding offers with your firm and insurance choice universities, do keep Adjustment in mind. If you do better than expected in your exams and meet and exceed the conditions of your firm choice, ‘Adjustment’ offers you the opportunity to reconsider where and what to study. If on… Read more » about Adjustment – be prepared for A-level results day

askBU Top things asked this week!

1.   I’ve applied, when can I visit BU? Many of our courses run special days intended for applicants to come to campus, meet the team, get a more in depth feel for the course and occasionally can include interviews or activities. These tend to run from January through to March, and if you are… Read more » about askBU Top things asked this week!

Understanding UCAS

If you’re looking to start university in September 2014, getting your head around UCAS (University Central Admissions Service) early will make the process of applying to university much easier. With around 300 providers and around 100,000 courses all applications to UK universities comes through UCAS and it is a great way to research which ones across… Read more » about Understanding UCAS

Adjustment – Be prepared for A-level results day

If you’ve already applied through UCAS and are holding offers with your firm and insurance choice universities, do keep Adjustment in mind. Adjustment gives students who have done better than expected in their exams and met and exceeded the conditions of their firm choice, the opportunity to reconsider where and what to study. If on… Read more » about Adjustment – Be prepared for A-level results day

Understanding UCAS

If you’re looking to start university in Sept 2013, getting your head around UCAS (University Central Admissions Service) early will make the process of applying to university much easier. All applications to UK universities comes through UCAS and it is a great way to research which ones across the country offer the subjects or courses you’re… Read more » about Understanding UCAS