How to manage your time at university

University, mmm, free from responsibilities, parties, waking up at 3pm, going to every event, complete fun 24/7. Or is it? I remember that time in first year when it hit that, oh, university is not just studying and meeting people, but also cooking, cleaning, laundry, working, studying, exams, shopping, the list goes on… Sometimes it… Read more » about How to manage your time at university

A head shot of international student Olamide, she wears a white and black top and a bright smile.

Studying international political communication at BU is the real deal!

This is a guest blog post by Olamaide Agbor who is studying MA International Political Communication. I’ve been studying at Bournemouth University (BU) for eight months, but I already feel that pursuing a master’s degree in International Political Communication (IPC) is one of my finest professional and academic choices in recent times. I’ll tell you… Read more » about Studying international political communication at BU is the real deal!

How to make the most out of studying abroad

Thinking of going abroad as part of your studies? Whether it’s for studying or working during your placement year, there’s lots of things to consider before going in order to make the most of your experience and have the most fun! I spent my placement year working in Spain for 3 months and studying in… Read more » about How to make the most out of studying abroad

What to do in your spare time on campus

Timetables. You either love them or hate them – whilst the majority of us know that the timetabling department aren’t purposely trying to ruin our lives (it can’t be an easy job creating a schedule for every course), it can be kind of annoying if you have an early morning AND late evening class with… Read more » about What to do in your spare time on campus

Going to university with Type One Diabetes

Thinking about or preparing to go to university with a health condition or disability can be a daunting. I have Type One Diabetes, and my biggest worry for going to university was how I would adapt to a new student lifestyle, and if there was support available at BU for me to access. I am… Read more » about Going to university with Type One Diabetes

How I manage my time while at university!

When you’re looking at university, everybody will tell you ‘get involved with everything you can!’ or ‘just say yes!’ and while they are right, at some point you may realise you have over-subscribed yourself. That’s why it’s important to learn how to manage your time efficiently and use the tools all around you! In this… Read more » about How I manage my time while at university!

Zoey’s experience studying MA English & Literary Media

This is a guest blog post by Zoey Bonfante, sharing her experience of studying MA English & Literary Media with the Faculty of Media & Communication. Zoey completed her Bachelor’s degree in English at Rosemont College in the US. Zoey moved from Philadelphia to study in the UK.  As someone who graduated university almost a… Read more » about Zoey’s experience studying MA English & Literary Media

head of department for humanities & Law introduces legal professionals as guest speakers. she stands in front of a lectern and microphone wearing a long red dress and gold jewellery.

Abhishek’s experience studying postgraduate Law

This is a guest blog post by Abhishek Gupta. Abhishek is currently studying LLM Intellectual Property. Hello everyone! I’m Abhishek Gupta, and I’m currently enrolled at Bournemouth University for an LLM. I wanted to take a moment to talk about my pleasant experience earning this degree and participating in this university. First and foremost, I… Read more » about Abhishek’s experience studying postgraduate Law

Are you looking to study Nutrition at BU?

After I finished my education back in India, I decided to put an end to studying and start making money. I did that for three years until I realised that, personally, for me, being a student is a lot more fun and rewarding than having to meet monthly targets. That’s when I looked out for… Read more » about Are you looking to study Nutrition at BU?

Student ambassador at BU leading a campus tour on Talbot Campus

My tips for attending an Open Day

If you’re thinking about applying to a university but would like to find out more then an Open Day is a great way to start. When planning for an Open Day, it can take some preparation to get organised and decide where you need to be and when. It’s worth looking at the Open Day… Read more » about My tips for attending an Open Day

Ashleigh and her friends

My experience of applying through Clearing

This is a guest blog written by Ashleigh Stevens who has just completed her second year of BA (Hons) Sociology here at BU. Ashleigh shares her journey to BU through the Clearing process. Growing up, I was convinced that I would never go to university because nobody in the area I lived in did so… Read more » about My experience of applying through Clearing

My experience of Computing in Business week

In this student blog by BSc (Hons) Forensic Computing and Security student AJ Cox, she gives an account of the preparations involved in first year computing event Computing in Business. This week long event for first year Computing and Informatics students involves them being given a brief to create a computing system for use by… Read more » about My experience of Computing in Business week