My Academic Scholarship

Like many people considering postgraduate study, one of my biggest concerns was funding. I was fortunate enough to have the support of my parents in addition to taking out a loan, but what made things so much easier was being awarded BU’s Academic Scholarship. When I first started researching Master’s degrees in the UK, the… Read more » about My Academic Scholarship

BU’s Academic Excellence Scholarship

Did you know that BU offers this amazing Academic Excellence Scholarship worth £1,500 for achieving exceptionally good results? It pays to try hard, literally! The word ‘scholarship’ sounds scary but honestly it’s not at all what it seems! The results seem high and impossible to reach, but who says you can’t aim high in life?… Read more » about BU’s Academic Excellence Scholarship

Alex’s Clearing story: How to apply for bursaries and scholarships

So, once you’ve made it through Clearing in one piece, it’s time to relax, right? Well, you’re almost there. Once you’ve got a confirmed offer from BU it’s time to consider applying for university funding. I know that after going through the stress of Clearing, all you’ll want to do is sit down and bask… Read more » about Alex’s Clearing story: How to apply for bursaries and scholarships

My Academic Excellence Scholarship

My name is Yuchun Liu, I am 25 years old and I come from Taiwan. I was automatically awarded the Academic Excellence Scholarship, which at the time was worth £1,000 (it is now worth £3,500 from 2016!) off my tuition. Since the scholarship was “automatic”, it surprised me when I first read my tuition fee note… Read more » about My Academic Excellence Scholarship

My Jai Hind College scholarships

Anirudh Bhardwaj, an MA Producing Film & Television student from India, tells us his scholarship story… Getting a Master’s Degree in Film was something I always joked about, never seriously considering leaving a budding production company of my own back home in Mumbai to struggle in a foreign country earning a degree that I didn’t… Read more » about My Jai Hind College scholarships

The Commonwealth Shared Scholarship

Isaac Baffoe-Nyarko, an MSc Public Health student from Ghana tells us his scholarship story… I still remember my reaction when I opened my mail and read “Congratulations! I am delighted to confirm that you have been awarded The Commonwealth Shared Scholarship. It was Wednesday 30 April 2014 and a very important day in my life…. Read more » about The Commonwealth Shared Scholarship

My Media School Scholarship

I am 28 years old and was born and raised on the tiny island of Malta in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Our education system in Malta is very similar to the one here in the UK, however Malta being such a small country doesn’t have many resources to cater for specialised subjects –… Read more » about My Media School Scholarship

My journey started with the BU Dean’s Scholarship – School of Tourism

It has already been more than half a year since my course started and now I am writing my dissertation. I can’t believe it! Time flies so fast! My name is Changsook (Sue) Lee and I originally come from South Korea. I was so honoured and grateful for the BU Dean’s Scholarship which provided me… Read more » about My journey started with the BU Dean’s Scholarship – School of Tourism

My surprise scholarship

I’m Daniel Asaya, 23 years old and I come from a lovely Christian family in the Western part of Africa, Nigeria. All along, success has always been my watch word and so I strive so hard to attain it. I scaled through four years of high quality learning in Information and Communication Technology from Crawford… Read more » about My surprise scholarship

My scholarship story: investing in my future

Namaste and greetings to everyone! A positive, dedicated, outgoing and open-minded 24 year old, this is Manish all the way from the Land of Himalaya, Nepal. An avid movie buff, I am also an auto enthusiast, love travelling, exploring new places and learning about foreign culture and language. I feel fortunate to have been awarded… Read more » about My scholarship story: investing in my future

My scholarship story: Academic Excellence Scholarship (International)

In life, there are moments when you need that one chance to help you take the step that will define your future. For me, that is what BU offered. The issue of finance was for me always going to be a challenge, considering the value of the pound against my currency, so I was pleased… Read more » about My scholarship story: Academic Excellence Scholarship (International)