Going back to full-time study three years after college

Almost every student I’ve met while at BU took the usual college-then-straight-to-university route, but that wasn’t the case for me. After finishing my A-levels, I still didn’t know for sure what I wanted to do with my life (sounds dramatic, I know). So, I went on what could only be described as a “non-traditional” route… Read more » about Going back to full-time study three years after college

Darren Hughes

From a policing career to disaster management

In his guest blog, MSc Disaster Management student Darren Hughes discusses how his background in policing has provided him with opportunities within the field of disaster management and how the flexibility of the course has allowed him to continue working and balancing family life.  I have been in policing for 18 years in both Sussex… Read more » about From a policing career to disaster management

How to make the most out of studying abroad

Thinking of going abroad as part of your studies? Whether it’s for studying or working during your placement year, there’s lots of things to consider before going in order to make the most of your experience and have the most fun! I spent my placement year working in Spain for 3 months and studying in… Read more » about How to make the most out of studying abroad


How MSc Nutrition & Behaviour expanded my knowledge and skills

This is a guest blog by BU graduate Consuelo Fernández Prieto where she shares her experience on the MSc Nutrition & Behaviour course and her future career plans. My name is Consuelo and I am a registered Dietitian and recent graduate from MSc Nutrition & Behaviour at BU. When I decided to expand my knowledge… Read more » about How MSc Nutrition & Behaviour expanded my knowledge and skills

My experience of studying a Nutrition degree at BU so far

This is guest blog by BU student Anita, studying BSc (Hons) Nutrition. I am Anita and I moved to the UK 20 years ago from Finland, wishing to improve my English and get work experience abroad. I have always been interested in nutrition and health, and after working with the elderly in health and social… Read more » about My experience of studying a Nutrition degree at BU so far

My experience as an international student studying MSc Nutrition & Behaviour

Hi, Hello, Namaste! I’m Madhurya from India. I’m currently doing my Masters in Nutrition & Behaviour at Bournemouth University. I’ve been in the field of nutrition for close to a decade now and while I was working as a nutritionist in India, I realised that diet and behaviour go hand in hand which I found… Read more » about My experience as an international student studying MSc Nutrition & Behaviour

Are you looking to study Nutrition at BU?

After I finished my education back in India, I decided to put an end to studying and start making money. I did that for three years until I realised that, personally, for me, being a student is a lot more fun and rewarding than having to meet monthly targets. That’s when I looked out for… Read more » about Are you looking to study Nutrition at BU?

PG Induction 2022

The Reasons Behind My Decision

  When it comes to your future, making a decision is the hardest thing ever. The situation becomes even more difficult when you come up with the exciting yet risky idea of studying abroad. You need to consider numerous aspects, from the country and city to the course and University. After all, you are spending… Read more » about The Reasons Behind My Decision

Student Ambassador giving a Campus Tour

What is a Student Ambassador and why would you want to be one?

I have been a BU Student Ambassador since I started my nursing degree at Bournemouth University in 2020. There are so many different roles and opportunities available that fit around your study and the pay is of course a great help when you are a student. You will get paid training most of which is… Read more » about What is a Student Ambassador and why would you want to be one?

Is Uni For me

Is university right for me?

University is a huge investment in your life, £9000+ a year of fees, potentially moving away, three to four years of studying and giving up things. To some people, especially for me, I just assumed I’d always go to university from a young age. I never really considered the impact it would have on me,… Read more » about Is university right for me?

Social Media icons on a phone

7 ways to be social at university

Starting university for the first time can be daunting, particularly the idea of making new friends and socialising but it’s not all scary! Here are a few ways you can make new friends at university: Set up a WhatsApp/Facebook Group Have a hunt around to see if there’s any already going the summer before you… Read more » about 7 ways to be social at university

SUBU Elections Night 2019 (Women's Committee)

What university has taught me

University for me hasn’t just been about studying academically. It’s allowed me to learn lots about myself, my future and the world around me. When I first applied, I don’t believe that I realised at the time, the amount of growing as a person you do whilst at university, especially during your early to late… Read more » about What university has taught me