Budgeting Blues

By Sophie Wheeler 1st year BU student, BA (Hons) Scriptwriting for Film and TV A common assumption surrounding students is that we are constantly broke and living off a diet of baked beans and tesco value vodka. And although for some, this may be a reality, it certainly doesn’t have to be. Living on a… Read more » about Budgeting Blues

To MSc or not to MSc?

Hopefully you’re not yet slipping into a Hamlet-esque soliloquy contemplating whether or not to go into postgraduate study but, since you’re reading this blog post, you’re probably pondering taking the plunge, whether this is into an MSc, an MA, an MBA, or any of the other acronyms denoting a postgraduate qualification! Going into postgraduate study… Read more » about To MSc or not to MSc?

The BIG Leap

By Daphne Oliveras Being a PG student at BU has given me a chance to face new challenges and rise above them like nothing before in my life. I’m not even out of my first semester and I already feel like a much better stronger person for having come here. One week after arriving at BU… Read more » about The BIG Leap