Final year Retail Management students reveal their plans for rejuvenating Poole

Real life consultancy projects for final year students provide a fantastic opportunity to showcase their ideas, and this year an opportunity emerged a little closer to home. The Dolphin Shopping Centre in Poole has been a major talking point in recent years. Consumers feel that Poole (as a destination) is let down by its shopping… Read more » about Final year Retail Management students reveal their plans for rejuvenating Poole

Media School from a final year’s perspective

By Sanita Lustika Third year BU student, BA (Hons) Digital Media Design I’m a final year Digital Media Design student and I’ve been a student ambassador for all 3 study years. Over the time I’ve come to love doing Media School facility tours. I enjoy the atmosphere in the school and at this point I… Read more » about Media School from a final year’s perspective

From beginning to end – final year student

By Marianne Calnan 3rd year BU student, BA (Hons) English University can be an intimidating, daunting step to take in a young person’s life to say the least. Once you’ve narrowed down your university choice, accommodation selection and packed your bags, there’s nothing left to do but travel to your home for the next three… Read more » about From beginning to end – final year student

Gain tips and insight into the Games course at BU from TIGA Graduate of Year

This guest blog is from Jack Creasy, a BSc (Hons) Games Design graduate and TIGA (The Independent Game Developers’ Association) Graduate of the Year. In this blog, Jack reviews his experience of the course and offers some top tips for prospective students considering our Games courses. What made you choose BU? I attended a Bournemouth… Read more » about Gain tips and insight into the Games course at BU from TIGA Graduate of Year

Careers event

My experience completing a placement year at BU

One of the main reasons I decided to study at Bournemouth University (BU), besides the seven mile stretch of Bournemouth beach, was to have the opportunity to undertake a placement year as a part of my BA (Hons) Sociology degree. This initially daunted me. Although I knew undertaking a placement would be great for my… Read more » about My experience completing a placement year at BU

My placement year as a student sports therapist in football

This is a guest blog by Leah Jordan-Cooper, who is studying BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy. My name is Leah, and I am currently on my sandwich placement year as a Sports Therapy student at semi-professional football club, Swindon Supermarine FC. I’ve known since an early age that I wanted to work in sports. I knew… Read more » about My placement year as a student sports therapist in football

How I became TIGA’s Graduate of the Year

Pratiksha is a BSc (Hons) Games Design graduate and was named by TIGA, the trade association representing the video games industry, as Graduate of the Year. In her guest blog she tells us how she’s found studying at BU, what it’s like to be a woman in the video games industry and what it was… Read more » about How I became TIGA’s Graduate of the Year

Working at Disney on my placement year

Sadie is studying BSc (Hons) Games Software Engineering and has been on placement with Disney for the past year. She is just about to return to study for her final year. Here she talks about her experiences on placement and how it’s helped her to develop skills that she can put to use whilst at… Read more » about Working at Disney on my placement year

Working as a language assistant in Spain during my placement year

BA (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management student, Kaitlin Jupp from England worked overseas as a language assistant at the Official Language School of Valladolid in Spain during her placement year in 2021-22. “For my placement year, I decided to divide it into three areas. I worked for AskBU at the university. Then, I worked… Read more » about Working as a language assistant in Spain during my placement year

How a placement year kick-started my career

This is a guest blog by Rebecca Hughes, a final year student studying BSc (Hons) Software Engineering. Between her second and third year, she joined marketing agency Greenwood Campbell for her placement year. From picking up invaluable skills to getting her first taste of office life, Rebecca tells us how she found the experience. I… Read more » about How a placement year kick-started my career